Saturn Retrograde 2020- These 4 Zodiac Signs will be most Lucky

Saturn Retrograde 2020

The Saturn retrograde 2020 took place on the 10th of May and will last till 28th September. This is the time when you can have an idea of how it will affect the zodiac signs. Saturn is the planet that deals with karma and past life deeds. This planetary transition will have a severe effect on your relationships, work-life, and health. This planet will prove lucky for these 4 zodiac signs.

Nevertheless, the retrograde will have some serious repercussions on your natal chart. However, only these 4 zodiac signs will be blessed by this vital transit. Astrologers believe that this will be a crucial retrograde as we will see a considerable amount of improvement health-wise during this Coronavirus pandemic.

Saturn Retrograde 2020 on Taurus

Taurus zodiac signs will be most likely to benefit from the Saturn Retrograde 2020. You guys will active in achieving your desired goal. In fact, it is the best time to work on your pending project or work. If you put in the right amount of effort you will most certainly receive positive results. You will see some major changes in your career and worry not it will bear fruits.

Saturn Retrograde 2020 on Leo

Leos this is the period to have some self-reflection. Look what is causing you discomfort in your personal life. Once you have identified the root cause of your problems you can now eliminate it easily. This transit will help you grow into a bigger and better person. In addition, you will be able to reconnect with your family member like never before. Especially this lockdown will make you come in terms with your siblings and parents.

Saturn Retrograde 2020 on Scorpio

Scorpio zodiac sign this planetary movement will help you create a strong bond with your partner. Whatever trust issues you were facing in your relationship will vanish with the combined effort of both the parties. Your relationship will reach another level of awesomeness. The conflicts and worries will cease to exist during this period. So Scorpions make sure to communicate in order to resolves these underlying problems.

Saturn Retrograde 2020 on Sagittarius

Sagittarians the period from 11th May to 29th September will be promising. If you are on the search for your true existence this is the time for a spiritual awakening. Moreover, you will seek independence financially. The transit will help you realize the need for saving and how money is important. Financial discipline will be indicated in you as you will reach a paramount of success in your career.

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Posted On - May 14, 2020 | Posted By - Sneha Sinha | Read By -


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