Meaning of Trident Mark on palm

On lower and upper Mount of Mars

The presence of a Trident symbol on the Mount of Mars is an indication of great courage and strength.

End of the head line

The trident mark at the head line’s end indicates exceptional intelligence, creativity, and intuition.

On Mount of the Moon

It indicates that the individual has a natural talent for artistic pursuits, spiritual work, or psychic abilities.

End of the heart line

The trident mark at the end of the heart line indicates a loving and caring nature. It brings good fortune and blessings.

Fate line that ends in a Trident mark

The trident marking on the fate line indicates great success and good fortune in the individual’s career.

Mount of Mercury

The trident marking on Mercury’s mount indicates success and good fortune in business and communication-related fields.

On Mount Of Jupiter

The trident marking on Jupiter’s mount indicates great success and good fortune in the individual’s career and spiritual path.

Mount Of Saturn

The trident marking on Saturn’s mount indicates great success and good fortune in the individual’s career and personal life.

On Mount Of Sun

It brings blessings, indicating that the individual has a natural talent for creativity, success, and ambition.

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