Astrology information

Doctors Day 2020: Medical Career in your Birth Chart

In India, we celebrate Doctors Day 2020 is on the 1st of July. It is an auspicious day in honor of the life saviors. We ought to show respect on the National Doctors Day. During this coronavirus pandemic situation, our doctors have always been at the forefront. They have risked their lives, skipped meals, and ignored their family to save us from the trauma. It is a responsibility that they hold irrespective of what the designated is.

In fact, I always dreamt of becoming a doctor when I was a toddler. But like every other kid, I got deviated from my goal and here I am pursuing wiring as my career. however, it really depends on your planetary position on your natal that determines your medical career. Some of the zodiac signs are destined to become medical practitioners due to certain traits in them. Let’s pay our due patronage on Doctors Day 2020 by finding which signs can become successful in the medical sector.

Planets responsible for a medical career

  • Sun and Jupiter rule the health sector. A combination of sun ad Jupiter is promising for a career as a physician. Whereas Sun and Mars open doors for a surgeon.
  • If there’s a Saturn conjunction in your Sun and Jupiter combination then homeopathy is the perfect field for you.
  • The Rahu and Ketu placement in your 4th, 5th, and 10th houses of your natal chart suggests a prosperous medical career. The more prominent it is in your 5th house the more likely you will become a doctor. Actually, the 5th house denotes a native’s intelligence thus the combination of there’s planets will pave way for you.
  • Sun occupying Capricorn or Aquarius is known to be equally favorable.
  • If the Moon and Mars paper to be strong in your chart then according to astrology it is another striking factor.

Zodiac Signs that can become successful doctors


Leo is ruled by the sun that signifies healing and health line. They are hardworking and intelligent zodiac signs. In addition, they are good with their patients as they are social and welcoming. A Leo will always lend a helping hand to whosoever seeks help from them. However, they chose the medical line also because it is respectful and the highest paid job in the world. They like to have power over people which they indirectly exert by becoming a medical practitioner.


Aquarians are known to have an intelligent mind. They have a quintessential mind that makes them more prone to get involved in health care sectors. Aquarians, like to help people out of their humble nature. Thus whats better than choosing to become a doctor and offering free health checkups. You never know if they may invent a vaccine or drug to cure Covid19.


Pisces is a sign that is compassionate and sensitive to others suffering. They devote them leaves in the act of sheer kindness by their extraordinary medical skills. They can be related to the problems of the people and provide extra care and nourishment to them. Reliable Pisces never gives up and pay extra attention to any medical emergency they are serving.

Also, you may like to read: Lunar Eclipse 5 July 2020- Negative Effect on 4 Zodiac Signs

