Effects Of Saturn In Different Houses

1st House

With Saturn in the first house, it makes the native look reserved and serious. These people like to be organized and don’t mind exerting all their energy into their work.

2nd House

The presence of Saturn in the second house of a horoscope indicates delays in the ability to save money for the native until the age of 35.

3rd House

The presence of Planet Saturn in the 3rd house makes the natives quite sharp and intelligent but they might face difficulty in expressing themselves in words.

4th House

Saturn in the 4th house might affect adversely in the emotional areas connected with native’s family, home and childhood.

5th House

 Saturn in the fifth house indicates that the native will be disciplined and hardworking with a structured approach to creativity.

6th House

Planet Saturn in the 6th house indicates that the native takes his job quite seriously and believes in working hard.

7th House

Placement of Planet Saturn in the seventh house makes the native responsible and are reliable people.

8th House

With this placement in the native’s chart, it shows a heavy burden of responsibilities like joint finances, taxes and other people’s resources on the native’s shoulders.

9th House

Saturn in the ninth house makes the native Spiritual and religious person. These people are well educated but in an orthodox manner.

10th House

Saturn in the 10th house is considered a fruitful placement for the native. They fit well in their work environment and get to taste success

11th House

Having Saturn in the 11th house would indicate that either the native have more than one source of income or both husband and wife are diligently earning.

12th House

People with this placement in their birth charts like to spend a lot of their time alone. Native understands the value of spirituality and seeks that path.

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