Effects of Saturn in different houses


Planet Saturn

Saturn is also known as “Shani” which represents discipline, order, law, mature and older things. It is the most feared planet of all, that too for more than one reason. It’s a slow-moving planet which further indicates that Saturn takes a good time in order to complete a task. Bringing hardships and providing teachings to the native is one of the major effects of Saturn and its basic nature but not to make the life destructive.

Having its influence in one’s natal charts don’t always mean the denial of success. It simply gets delayed, Meaning the native will have success later on in their lives. That too may be more than anyone else.

In case, you don’t already know where Saturn is placed in your Birth Chart, Click here to make your free Kundli and come right back to know how it affects you and your existence.

Read further to find out how the planet of discipline, justice, and hard work affects your life.

Saturn in 1st House-

  • The first house is associated with the outer personality and health of the person. It represents the character, temperament, strengths, and weaknesses of the person. In general, how a person appears in the world.
  • With Saturn in the first house, it makes the native look reserved and serious. These people like to be organized and don’t mind exerting all their energy into their work.
  • Native is likely to be highly sincere and strong-minded. These people as kids tend to be far more disciplined and mature than their other childhood friends. They are very serious-minded.
  • Early years of their lives could be difficult and melancholic, especially when Saturn is debilitated.
  • People with this placement are very law-abiding as well as fair. They make the most fierce and respected lawyers and judge out there.

Saturn in 2nd House-

  • The second house in Vedic astrology is mostly concerned with family, accumulated wealth and possessions held by the native. Along with the native’s earning skills and capacity. Speech and intake of food are also seen from this house as it represents the throat.
  • The presence of Saturn in the second house of a horoscope indicates delays the ability to save money for the native until the age of 35. Between 32 and 35, it starts the process of taking its negative side out and the natives can start saving money.
  • Saturn is a planet that might restrict childhood nourishment. The native may not have born with a silver spoon in their mouth and not have all the luxuries that a child might need because of their very conservative and disciplined family.
  • Once the Saturn releases its Karmic backlogs, the native might end up making far more money than anybody else because they become very disciplined and hard workers.

Saturn in 3rd House-

  • The third house is associated with self-expression, siblings, relative, neighbors and native’s immediate environment. Plus, it also signifies Native’s courage, short trips or running errands, etc.
  • When Saturn comes here, it tends to restrict native’s relationship with his siblings, especially at an early age until mid-life. They do not have good communication with their siblings unless there’s Venus and Jupiter’s aspect in the third house.
  • Saturn is a planet that can make the mental concentration of the native very slow but steady. These people become life-long learners of knowledge and philosophy.
  • People with this placement tend to be a little ignorant but very mature at a young age. They are likely to express their creativity through discipline and persistence.
  • The presence of Planet Saturn in the 3rd house makes the natives quite sharp and intelligent but they might face difficulty in expressing themselves in words. Hence, Native has to work hard in order to ace the art of communicating.

Saturn in 4th House-

  • The Fourth house represents Native’s childhood, mother, motherly love and nourishment, home, real estate, early childhood and the way they’re likely to treat their family.
  • The presence of this dull and dark planet-Saturn in the 4th house might affect adversely in the emotional areas connected with native’s family, home and childhood.
  • It is not supposed to be a very benefic placement for the natives as it indicates difficulty in the early age and constraints by the parents.
  • The native might have a hard time expressing his emotions and true feelings towards his family. The family might be rather disciplined and conservative towards expressing their love and emotions.
  • There is a possibility that the native might be raised by his grandparents as the parents were absent from native’s life and burdened with other responsibilities.

Saturn in 5th House-

  • It’s the house of pleasures. This house represents how the native likes to express himself creatively and what they consider as fun. It is also associated with the father’s wealth.
  • The presence of a well-aspected Saturn in the fifth house indicates that the native will be disciplined and hardworking with a structured approach to creativity.
  • Native is usually of shy nature which is why he takes his life way too seriously and barely allows himself to enjoy any pleasures of life.
  • They are likely to follow well- defined patterns and rules in life instead of being spontaneous and having fun.
  • Native could face difficulty in giving birth or have low infertility especially if the Saturn is debilitated. It could even indicate miscarriages.

Saturn in 6th House-

  • This is the house of conflicts, wars, diseases, enemies. It also indicates the kind of services the native provides for humanity, it describes the way the native is going to be fruitful for the society.
  • Planet Saturn in the 6th house indicates that the native takes his job quite seriously and believes in working hard. These people are well organized and structured in whatever they do.
  • The native tends to be good with what work that requires close attention to details and need logic. They are likely to be respected for what they do.
  • In case of debilitated Saturn, native doesn’t really enjoy conversations with his colleagues and might face minor health problems due to overworking habit of the native.
  • They are not likely to be very creative with their work and mostly rely on tested and proved methods.

Saturn in 7th House-

  • 7th house is the house of legal bindings like marriage, business partnership, sexual relationship, laws. It also represents other people, like your public life.
  • Placement of Planet Saturn in the seventh house makes the native responsible and are reliable people.
  • An afflicted Saturn can make the native strict and hardcore even in the most sensitive of matters like marriage. They like to boss around people and this quality of theirs can help them do well in business management and law-related fields.
  • With this placement in one’s chart, one should be very careful if they get married before thirty, as it might bring negative and malefic effects in life to make it unbearable.
  • When it comes to a well-aspected Saturn in the native’s natal chart, it blesses the native with good results and provides stability in marriage and business unions.

Saturn in 8th House-

  • The 8th house in Vedic astrology represents marriage, corporate resources and the property or money inherited. It’s also the house of hidden matters, occult, mysticism, death, and rebirth.
  • With this placement in the native’s chart, it shows a heavy burden of responsibilities like joint finances, taxes and other people’s resources on the native’s shoulders.
  • The native might face a lot of obstacles and problems in subjects like insurance and taxes. There is a possibility that the native’s spouse may lack money if Saturn is debilitated.
  • This position disturbs the Native’s health and causes illness. Whatever illness they may face, Saturn elongates it and makes it chronic. That illness could be the cause of death or the native might even die at a young age.
  • If Saturn is well-aspected, it shows a long life and with much effort and hard work, wealth will come later on in native’s life.

Saturn in 9th House-

  • 9th house id the house of religion, spirituality, house of your teachers, law and the house of your father. It also signifies long journeys like a pilgrimage, fortune, and luck.
  • Saturn in the ninth house makes the native Spiritual and religious person. These people are well educated but in an orthodox manner.
  • People with this placement are more inclined towards making a career where they could grow more on a spiritual and philosophical level. They like to get employed in traditional and well-established institutions.
  • Native gets to travel a lot and mostly for business purposes and career progress. he considers travelling a way of learning.
  • The native tends to have a narrow mind and would be egoistic and very strict if Saturn is afflicted. It could even create difficulty in native’s higher education.

Saturn in 10th House-

  • In Vedic astrology, career or profession falls under the 10th house. It shows if the person will achieve fame and grandness in his life. It is also the house father.
  • Saturn in the 10th house is considered a fruitful placement for the native. They fit well in their work environment and get to taste success but after putting good efforts and a lot of hard work.
  • They are likely to be very ambitious in their career which drives them to achieve greatness in their occupation. Provided that it’s also the house of the father, Native might not share a good relationship with their father.
  • Saturn might bring obstacles and lack of opportunities but in those cases, it’s disciplined and patient nature takes over and the native plans things out about his future. They are likely to achieve great heights in their careers and earn good wealth.

Saturn in 11th House-

  • The 11th house is a strong indicator of sudden wealth and gains. It represents prosperity, sudden income and good wealth. This is also the house that depicts one’s social circle.
  • Having Saturn in the 11th house would indicate that either the native have more than one source of income or both husband and wife are diligently earning.
  • Provided that fact that the eleventh house is also the house of friends and social circle, the native generally gets support from his social circle and friends unless Saturn is debilitated or badly placed in the chart.
  • In case of a badly aspected Saturn, the native might struggle in building friendships due to their shy and introverted nature. Most of the time, they are concerned if they even fit in any social group and don’t like to contribute to gossips and chit chats.

Saturn in 12th House-

  • It’s the house of secrets, fears, the subconscious mind, and isolated places. It also represents liberation and detachments from the materialistic desires of life and indicates one’s inclination towards spirituality.
  • People with this placement in their birth charts like to spend a lot of their time alone. They might be working in some secluded place like a hospital, jail, asylum or ashrams, etc.
  • Native understands the value of spirituality and seeks that path. However, in the case of debilitated Saturn, they might find themselves lazy for that and Saturn might even give them a feeling of depression as well.
  • This placement, however, provides good results in foreign lands. The native is likely to get success if he’s connected with fields like petroleum, coal, or mines, etc.

This analysis here offers just a little portion of the whole picture, to know more you also need to see the positions of other planets in your horoscope.

Each planet has a distinct impact on you and your life, depending on which house and sign they reside in. So as to seek out where they are located in your natal chart, you can use our free Kundli Maker.

Click here to find out how the planet of sex, pleasure, and beauty- Venus affects your life.

If you fancy reading about astrology and want to learn more about how to read a birth chart in order to make predictions. Click here.


Posted On - July 4, 2019 | Posted By - Deepika Tomar | Read By -


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