Marriage Muhurat 2023


Marriage Shubh Muhurat In 2023

Generally, it is said that "Marriages are made in heaven and consummated on Earth." At the same time, planets play a vital role in marriage. Therefore, it is essential to know the all-important elements which make a marriage successful. According to Vedic astrology, it is crucial to match the horoscope to find the doshas and Gunas. Also, it is necessary to assess compatibility between the boy and girl; who are appearing for marriage. In the same, Marriage Muhurat 2023 evaluates much information as to when is the right time to marry, depending on the Kundli Matching of future husband and wife.

We all know that Indian weddings are famous across the world because of their tradition and customs. The culture and customs of Indian marriage and their existence have a link to the glorious past. Marriage is a holy bond of two souls that brings two hearts and two families together. In India, wedding ceremonies are estimated as the most significant celebrations. Apart from everything, the belief in horoscope matching or Kundli Milan holds immense importance for the to-be-marrieds and their families. Thus, when the compatibility of horoscopes finds a match, it can be further forward, which states that wedded duos will lead a happy and prosperous life. On the contrary, some people's horoscopes do not match and in such a case an incompatibility-like situation arises.

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By ignoring the astrological fact, if natives marry, they suffer from negative consequences in their wedded life. So, before tying the knot with someone, it is essential to know the auspicious time for the marriage. Without the comprehension of auspicious Muhurat, the wedding ceremony is not considered complete and auspicious. Our astrologers at Astrotalk consider multiple factors when preparing the Shubh Muhurat 2023 for marriage. In fact, they also consider the Panchang Shuddhi which provides not only the auspicious dates of marriage but also the auspicious time to commence it.

According to other sacred literature like Muhurta Chintamani and Dharmasindhu, marriage should not be performed while Shukra Tara and Guru Tara sets. Thus, Panchang Shuddhi for auspicious marriage dates should be done after removing days when Shukra and Guru Tara combust. Panchang Shuddhi performs on a particular day of the lunar month.

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Why to have a marriage in Shubh Muhurat 2023?

When a marriage decides by considering the birth charts of the respective bride and the groom, it naturally grounds a happy and blissful marriage. If Vivah takes place on Shubh Muhurat based on the Panchang, it gives optimal results for the couple who get married while making pious promises during the Marriage. According to Hindu tradition, considering the auspicious marriage date and getting married will benefit the duos. It helps lead a happy married life with positive family expansion. People often decide on marriage dates at their convenience, even without consulting an astrologer. Due to getting married and not being on Shubh Vivah Muhurat, a consequence of repeated quarrels between husband and wife relationships, eventually, situations turned out of their hand and landed in divorce.

Panchang and Kundli play a crucial role while calculating the Vivah Shubh Muhurat 2023. Astrologers at Astrotalk try to evaluate the position of the Moon in the constellation, and it is necessary to consider the horoscopes of the bride and groom while considering the Muhurta. The letters coming in the phase of the Moon in the Nakshatra become the deciding factor for the auspicious constellation for Marriage. The marriage of Shubh Muhurat based on the date of birth can play a role in avoiding problems for the married couple and their families, which they might face later in life. Therefore, the Shubh muhurat should be considered based on horoscopes.

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Marriage Muhurat 2023: Date, Time & Nakshatra

According to Hindu marriage customs, people consider a phase in favor of constellations and planets to achieve optimal results. The marriage Muhurat evaluates by the Moon's date, yoga, and position. Usually, pandits choose the Shubh Vivah Muhurat using the birth chart of the individuals getting married. However, for your convenience, our expert astrologers at Astrotalk have a list of all the Shadi Muhrat in 2023, keenly evaluating the birth position of the stars and planets in your Natal chart.

Marriage Muhurat in January 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
January 15, Sunday 7:12 PM to 7:15 AM Swati Navami
January 18, Wednesday 7:15 AM to 5:23 PM Anuradha Ekadashi, Dwadashi
January 25, Wednesday 08:05 PM to 7:12 AM Uttarabhadrapada Panchami
January 26, Thursday 7:12 AM to 27 January 7:12 AM Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Panchami, Shashti
January 27, Friday 7:12 AM to 12:42 PM Revathi Shashti, Saptami
January 30, Monday 10:15 PM to 7:10 AM Rohini Dashami

Marriage Muhurat in February 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
February 6, Monday 09:44 AM to 07:06 AM Magha Pratipada, Dwitiya
February7, Tuesday 07:06 AM to 04:03 PM Magha Dwitiya
February 9, Thursday 07:05 AM to 10 February 07:04 AM Uttara Phalguni, Hast Chaturthi
February 10, Friday 07:04 AM to 04:45 PM Hasta Panchami
February 12, Sunday 09:50 PM to 02:27 AM Swati Saptami
February 13, Monday 02:36 AM to 07:01 AM Anuradha Ashtami
February 14, Tuesday 7:01 AM to 12:26 PM Anuradha Navami
February 16, Thursday 6:59 AM to 10:53 PM Mool Ekadashi
February 22, Wednesday 6:54 AM to 23 February 6:53 AM Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Tritiya, Chaturthi
February 23, Thursday 6:53 AM to 2:23 PM Revati Chaturthi
February 27, Monday 4:12 PM to 28 February, 6:48 AM Rohini Ashtami, Navami
February 28, Tuesday 6:48 AM to 1 March 6:47 AM Mrigashira Navami, Dashami

Marriage Muhurat in March 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
March 6, Monday 06:41 AM to 04:17 PM Magha Chaturdashi
March 9, Thursday 09:08 PM to 10 March 5:57 AM Hast Tritiya
March 11, Saturday 07:11 AM to 07:52 PM Swati Chaturthi
March 13, Monday 08:21 AM to 09:27 PM Anuradha Shashti

Marriage Muhurat in May 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
May 3, Wednesday 05:39 AM to 08:56 PM Hasta Trayodashi
May 6, Saturday 9:13 PM to 7 May 5:36 AM Anuradha Dwitiya
May 8, Monday 12:49 AM to 05:35 AM Mool Chaturthi
May 9, Tuesday 05:35 AM to 05:45 PM Mool Chaturthi, Panchami
May 10, Wednesday 04:12 PM to 11 May 5:33 AM Uttarashada Shashti
May 11, Thursday 05:33 AM to 11:27 AM Uttarashada Shashti
May 15, Monday 09:08 AM to 05:30 PM Uttara Bhadrapada Ekadashi, Dwadashi
May 16, Tuesday 05:30 AM to 01:48 PM of May Uttara Bhadrapada, Revathi Dwadashi, Triyodashi
May 20, Saturday 05:18 PM to 05:27 AM Rohini Pratipada, Dwitiya
May 21, Sunday 05:27 AM to 05:27 AM of 22 May Rohini, Mrigashira Dwitiya, Tritiya
May 22, Monday 05:27 AM to 10:37 AM Mrigashira Tritiya
May 29, Monday 05:24 AM to 05:24 AM on 30 May Uttaraphalguni Navami, Dashami
May 30, Tuesday 05:24 AM to 08:55 PM Hasta Dashami, Ekadashi

Marriage Muhurat in June 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
June 1, Thursday 06:48 AM to 07:00 PM Swati Dwadashi, Trayodashi
June 3, Saturday 06:16 AM to 11:16 AM Anuradha Chaturdashi
June 5, Monday 08:53 AM to 01:30 AM of 6 June Mool Dwitiya
June 6, Tuesday 012:50 AM to 05:23 AM on 7 June Uttarshana Chaturthi
June 7, Wednesday 05:30 AM to 09:02 PM Uttarshana Chaturthi
June 11, Sunday 02:32 PM to 05:23 AM on 12 June Uttara Bhadrapada Navami
June 12, Monday 05:23 AM to 09:58 AM Uttara Bhadrapada/ Revati Navami, Dashami
June 23, Friday 011:03 AM to 05:24 AM on 24 June Magha Panchmi, Shashti
June 26, Monday 01:19 PM to 05:25 AM Hasta Ashtami, Navami

Marriage Muhurat in November 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
November 23, Thursday 09:01 PM to 06:51 AM on 24 November Revati Dwadashi
November 27, Monday 01:35 PM to 06:54 AM Rohini Purnima, Pratipada
November 28, Tuesday 06:54 AM to 06: 54 AM of 29 November Rohini, Mrigashira Pratipada- Dwitiya
November 29, Wednesday 06:54 AM to 01:59 PM Mrigashira Dwitiya

Marriage Muhurat in December 2023

Date and Day Shubh Muhurat Nakshatra Tithi
December 6, Wednesday 07:00 AM to 07:01 AM on 7 December Uttaraphalguni Navami, Dashami
December 7, Thursday 07:01 AM to 04:09 PM Hasta Dashami
December 9, Saturday 01:43 AM to 11:37 PM Swati Dwadashi
December 15, Friday 08:10 AM to 06:24 AM on 16 December Uttarashada Tritiya, Chaturthi

Auspicious times to notice in Vivah Shubh Muhurat 2023

Marriage is considered a very sacramental event in Hinduism, which is why auspicious dates also hold a significant place along with the auspicious time. Let us glance at the most auspicious Muhurats in 2023 for marriage— day, yoga, date, Nakshatra, and Karan.

  • Karana: Kinstughan Karan, Baw Karan, Balav Karan, Kaulav Karan, Taitil Karan, Gharo Karan, and Vanij Karan are suitable for marriage.
  • Muhurat: Abhijeet and Godhuli Vela will be treated as the most auspicious for marriage.
  • Date: Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Ekadashi Tithi, and Trayodashi Tithi are auspicious for marriage. Marriage produces more beneficial results if the native ties a knot during this period.
  • Nakshatra: Rohini Nakshatra (4th Nakshatra), Mrigashira Nakshatra (5th Nakshatra), Magha Nakshatra (10th Nakshatra), Uttara Falguni Nakshatra (12th Nakshatra), Hasta Nakshatra (13th Nakshatra), Swati Nakshatra (15th Nakshatra), Anuradha Nakshatra (17th Nakshatra), Mool Nakshatra (19th Nakshatra), Uttarashada Nakshatra (21st Nakshatra), Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra (26th Nakshatra), Revati Nakshatra (27th Nakshatra) are auspicious.
  • Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are auspicious days for marriage. Nevertheless, weddings on Tuesday are best to avoid. This day is inauspicious for marriage.
  • Yoga: Preeti Yoga, Saubhagya Yoga, and Harshana Yoga are blissful for marriage.

Inauspicious times as per Marriage Muhurat 2023

If on one hand, there are Shubh timings 2023 to marry and get hitched, there are other tithis. Nakshatras, and much more when one must avoid auspicious ceremonies.

  • When the planets Jupiter and Venus are either combusted or in inauspicious position, the time will not be good to marry in 2023.
  • Natives must also avoid the Chaturthi, Chaturdashi, and Navmi tithis when considering their Shadi Muhurat 2023.
  • Movement of Sun in the Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra zodiac sign are also inauspicious for marriage in the year for the natives.

Significance Of Shubh marriage Muhurat 2023

Getting married is considered a holy phase in the life of a person. Thus it intensely impacts your life. According to Vedic astrology, a karmic relationship will be associated with the marital bond of marriage. Therefore, choosing a date from the list of 2023 Marriage Shubh Muhurat is crucial for the future husband and wife, their future life, family, and all the people associated with the knot. Let us see how:

  • At an auspicious time of marriage, a positive karmic relationship between two souls destined to live together.
  • Tithi bestows mental and physical compatibility and peace. So, before planning a wedding, one should look for a bright one.
  • Planning a marriage on Shubh Muhurat improves the chances of a long and stable marriage. Furthermore, it annihilates the possibilities of separation in marriage.
  • A Shubh marriage Muhurat 2023 will assist you to unify in your married life. In addition, it helps maintain harmony between you and your future spouse by developing trust in respecting each other and having love.

To Know More About Shubh Muhurat for Marriage in 2023, Chat With Astrologer


What are the auspicious constellations for Marriage Muhurta 2023?

Rohini Nakshatra, Mrigashira Nakshatra, Magha Nakshatra, Uttara Falguni Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra, Anuradha Nakshatra, Mool Nakshatra, Uttarashada Nakshatra, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra, Revati Nakshatra are auspicious constellations for marriage.

Is September 2023 an auspicious month for marriage?

No, because no auspicious time is available this month.

Which month is most auspicious for marriage in 2023?

The months of January, February, March, May, June, November, and December are very auspicious for marriage in the year 2023.

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