
Boost Your Home’s Luck With These 7 Lucky Indoor Plants Approved By Vastu

Have you ever felt like your home could use a bit more luck and positive energy? If so, you’re not alone. People have been seeking ways to attract good fortune and prosperity into their lives for centuries. One simple yet effective way to do this is by incorporating lucky indoor plants into your living space. Not only do these green wonders add beauty and freshness to your home, but according to Vastu, the ancient Indian science of architecture, they can also invite positivity and prosperity into your life. In this blog, we’ll explore seven lucky indoor plants approved by Vastu that you can easily grow to transform your home into an oasis of good luck and happiness.

1. Peace Lily – The Harmonizer of Energies

The Peace Lily, with its elegant white flowers, is much more than just a pretty face. According to Vastu, it has the power to harmonize the energies within your home. Its ability to purify the air by removing toxins makes it an excellent choice for creating a positive and healthy environment. Among all the lucky indoor plants, it’s without a doubt one of the best. Place the Peace Lily in the living room or the bedroom to promote tranquility and good vibes.

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2. Money Plant – Attracting Prosperity

The Money Plant, also known as the Devil’s Ivy, is believed to bring financial prosperity and abundance. It is an easy-to-care-for vine that can thrive in various light conditions. By placing the Money Plant near the entrance of your home or in the wealth corner (southeast), you can invite wealth and success into your life, according to Vastu.

3. Lucky Bamboo – Symbol of Good Fortune

Lucky Bamboo is a popular indoor plant that is associated with luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. According to Vastu principles, this plant attracts positive energy and can bring prosperity and success to its caretaker. Make sure to keep the Lucky Bamboo in a transparent vase with water and rocks, as it represents the harmony between the five essential elements.

4. Holy Basil – Ward Off Negative Energy

Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is not only a revered herb in Hindu culture but also a powerful purifier of energies. According to Vastu, keeping a Tulsi plant at home can ward off negative energies and bring spiritual protection. Additionally, its aromatic leaves have medicinal properties, making it a beneficial addition to your home.

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5. Jade Plant – The Lucky Charm

The Jade Plant is often referred to as the “money tree” or the “lucky charm” due to its association with good luck and prosperity. According to Vastu, placing a Jade Plant in the southeast corner of your home or office can enhance wealth and success. This low-maintenance succulent is not only visually appealing but also believed to bring positive energies into your space.

6. Aloe Vera – Healing and Luck

Aloe Vera is renowned for its numerous health benefits, but it is also comes under lucky indoor plants in Vastu. It is believed to absorb negative energies and bring in positive vibrations. Apart from being an easy-to-care-for indoor plant, the gel inside its leaves can be used for healing minor cuts and burns, making it a practical addition to your home.

7. Orchids – Love and Fertility

Orchids are not only exquisite and captivating but also symbolize love, fertility, and abundance. According to Vastu, keeping orchids in the bedroom can enhance the romantic relationship between couples. These stunning flowers come in various colors and shapes, adding elegance and positive energy to your living space.

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Final Thoughts: Embrace the Green Luck

Bringing lucky indoor plants into your home is a simple and delightful way to attract positive energies and prosperity according to Vastu. These plants not only brighten up your living space but also infuse it with good luck and positive vibes. So why wait? Embrace the green luck and bring home these seven Vastu-approved lucky indoor plants to create an ambiance of positivity, health, and prosperity in your abode.

Remember, nurturing these plants with love and care is as important as the placement. So, get your hands dirty, enjoy the process, and watch as these green companions work their magic, creating a happier and luckier home for you and your loved ones.

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