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Cancer Day 2020| Let’s Fight It Together

We, humans, are prone to diseases. Either we accept this fact or not but diseases are a part of our lives. From the time our birth and till the end of our lives we deal with a number of diseases or we can say certain situations where our health fails to meet the requirements of our body. However, some diseases are so harmful that they even become a reason for our death and one of them is Cancer.

Undoubtedly, Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases the world is dealing with. In fact, when we just hear the word Cancer it gives us goosebumps and we don’t even dare to talk about it. However, it is the most common diseases among the people and is expected to grow at a much higher rate in the coming decades.

What is Cancer?

Cancer is basically an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in our body. It’s a disease that results when cellular changes occur in our body and gives birth to unwanted division of cells. However, Cancer is not a single term its a mixture of more than 200 types of diseases that give rise to a big disease called Cancer.

Cells are the small units that make up a human body. As we grew up, these cells divide and give birth to new cells and as our life cycle comes to an end these cells become weak and finally get vanished when we die. However, anything that causes a normal body cell to develop abnormal potential can give rise to Cancer.

Cancerous cells developing in the body of a person can form Tumors, affect the immune system and stop the normal body cells to grow. Moreover, these cells work in the opposite direction and can harm the normal functioning of our body. Cancerous cells can appear in one area of your body, then spread via lymph nodes destroying your immune system.

World Cancer Day 2020

World Cancer Day is truly a global event. It is organized by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and is celebrated every year on 4 February.

The basic aim of World Cancer Day is to save millions of death by raising awareness and sharing information about Cancer. People and Governments across the world try to act against the disease on this day.

World Cancer Day is a powerful commitment to lead the progress in reducing the Global impact of Cancer. This day is observed under the limelight of World Health Organisation (WHO) with a motive “We need your commitment to create a cancer-free world. This World Cancer Day, who are you and what will you do?

Cancer Day 2020 Theme, Campaign and Symbol

The Theme of World Cancer Day 2020 is #IAmAndIWill. This slogan also marks midway of the 3-year campaign starting from 2019-2021. The main aim of this campaign is to empower call-to-action i.e to urge every individual to take part in this noble cause and fight against this evil disease.

It’s a multi-year campaign that offers a chance to create long-lasting impact by increasing public exposure and engagement. Moreover, make people realise how to fight and overcome the effects of Cancer.

These are various symbols used to promote the fight against different types of Cancer. Like Pink ribbon is used Breast Cancer awareness, Orange Ribbon for Child Cancer awareness. However, American Cancer Society uses Daffodil as a symbol of Hope on this Day.

Impacts and Benefits of World Cancer Day

  • It helps people to know more about Cancer and its harmful effects.
  • More than one-third of cancer cases can be prevented on a minimum scale.
  • We can save up to 3.7 million lives every year.
  • Helps in reducing risk factors, increasing prevention and improving cancer diagnosis, generates awareness.
  • When millions of people speak up on the same voice it gives a chance to move towards a world without cancer.
  • Worldwide campaigns target parents to help them minimize the risk of cancer within their family and Children.
  • People aim to raise funds for cancer research or projects that help to fight cancer.

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