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Ek Mukhi Rudraksha- Benefits and How To Wear It

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is considered a boon of Lord Shiva. According to mythological beliefs, Rudraksha originated from the tears of Lord Shiva’s eyes. Physically, Rudraksha is a kernel of a fruit. From ancient to contemporary time, Rudraksha is an integral part of spiritual practices. It is believed that wearing a rudraksha gives positive energy.

It is said that Lord Shiva originated Rudraksha only to eradicate the physical sufferings of the world. Rudraksha is found in many forms and types.

What is Ek Mukhi Rudraksha

This Rudraksha is considered to be the form of Lord Shiva. It eradicates all the sufferings and crises in the life of the person. It fills rays of light by erasing darkness from that person’s life. Also, when it establishes a direct connection with the skin, it heals diseases and offers peace.

Along with this, it is also believed that wearing Ek Mukhi Rudraksha gets rid of sins similar to the killing of Brahmin. The person also rises above the trap of materialistic desires. They attain heaven and salvation. The positivity of Ek Mukhi guides is a person toward a healthy life and spiritual betterment.

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha- Shape and Impact

The Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is of a circular or moon-shaped. The sphere is a stream raised in Rudraksha. It is very rare and not available or accessible easily to people. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is a strong source of power, energy, truth, and salvation. The person wearing it finds themselves attached to Lord Shiva. Further, Shiva’s eternal light guides them.

According to Vedic astrology, the planet Sun is the Lord of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. This is why a person also feels strong energy inside them after wearing it. They experience the opening of gates of success in their life. Also, it enhances their social standing, reputation, and respect. Gradually, the energy of Rudraksh blend with their soul helps them move ahead in life.

Who Can Wear Ek Mukhi Rudraksha

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha can be worn on the body or it can also be kept at the place of worship of the house as this bead is of Lord Shiva himself. It promotes a very strong, calm, individualistic nature.

After taking consultation by expert astrologers, any person can wear it. Doctors need to remove the physical and emotional pain of the patient while diagnosing or treating the patient. Similarly, Professors have to be prudent to impart knowledge to everyone equally. Lawyers need to be focused while practicing so that they can debate their case to get a favorable judgment.

Ekamukhi Rudraksha is also good for meditation and spirituality. This bead enhances the ability to concentrate, attention, name, and fame. It is recommended for people in leadership roles, who wish to remain calm and unaffected when interacting with people.

Ekamukhi Rudraksha is extremely powerful and rare. Therefore, pregnant women and children must not wear it.

Benefits of Ek Mukhi Rudraksha

  • This Rudraksha is the most effective for imparting health and well-being.
  • Natives with a weak Sun in the horoscope should wear it.
  • It helps to heal wounds quickly. Also, it proffers peace of mind and imparts positive energy.
  • It removes the negative effect of the Sun in Horoscope.
  • To remove the effect of any cruel planet, it is the best astrology solution.
  • It attracts good energy when a native is suffering from a Dasha or Mahadasha of a planet.
  • Ek Mukhi Rudraksha wards off the negative vibe, energy, and people.
  • It helps natives defeat their enemy and stay away from their evil eye.
  • It is very helpful in obtaining great riches.
  • Ek Mukhi helps controlling blood pressure.
  • It saves the native from trouble and conspiracies.
  • For the natives of Leo sign, it is extremely beneficial.

Mantra to wear

The mantra to sanctify “Oumhri nam:”.

You can also wear it with the almighty mantra of Lord Shiva. – “Om Namah Shivaya“.

However, you must wear it on a Sunday or Monday, or Mahashivratri after bathing. You can also wear it with gold, silver, or black thread.

Book Ek Mukhi Rudraksha at Best Price Here

Also, you may like reading Best Rudraksha for You Based on Your Sign

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