Astrology information

Ideal Age for Marriage


When to get married is a question to which every person is seeking an answer to, whether rich or poor, introvert or an extrovert. What’s the right age to get married is debatable?

Every community has its own set of logic when it comes to marriage. Some say a girl should marry at an age of 21-25 and for boys, the ideal age is 25-29. Whereas, in some countries the ideal age for a person, be it a girl or a boy, to get married is when they are above 28-29 years.

Every country, society, religion, and country have a varied perspective. Studies show that marrying between the age of 28-32 leads in fewer divorces than marrying before or after this age-group does. Then again, in India people believe that 28 is too late for getting married. As we said, “different opinion”.

Let’s figure out some pros and cons of getting married at different ages.

At an age of 22-25

This is the time when a person completes his/her graduation and is either seeking a job or pursuing higher education/degrees or trying to set up his/her own business.

Means at this time everyone is at a stage where they are setting up their career. Also, this is an age when people fell in love, dates many and are active romantically. Now, as we know the situation a person is in during this age group, let’s move on and analyze its pros and cons.


  • You and your partner both are young and hence energetic.
  • You and your partner both are young so will discover life and grow together. Will face every challenge of entering into adulthood together.
  • You will be free of responsibilities at an early age if you choose to have children at this age.
  • You will be in your 40s when children go off to college so you will have time to embark on a new journey with each other.


  • This is a time when you are discovering yourself and when you’re unsure of yourself how can you be sure of yourself?
  • You don’t have a stable life.
  • It’s a strong possibility that you are not financially well off.
  • People, their values and idealists change a lot after 20, so you don’t know what will become of you or your partner.
  • If you choose to have children it’s going to be a hell of a challenge. You are a kid yourself.

At an age of 25-30

At this age, you have started your career. Some of you are settled and satisfied with your jobs but most are still struggling to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams.

You know who you are by this age and you know what you want to do with your life and you start the journey to that path. Most of you (especially in India) feels that you’re ready to get married.


  • You are mature at this age.
  • You have had enough time to explore and party with your other single friends.
  • Both of you are ready to undertake responsibilities.
  • You know yourself well enough and it’s highly likely that you will end up getting married to someone who is compatible and understanding.
  • Both of you will be self-aware and hence better communicators. You will be in your 40s when your children go to college.


  • If you take a break from career to rear the child at this age it will be difficult to restart it later.
  • A study shows that a women’s earning power is at its highest if she marries at the age of 30 or above.
  • You start feeling a bit old when you are still young.

At an age of 30-35

At this age, you are settled in your career and earning well. Know what you want in life. You have everything planned and good management skills. Your age made you mature to handle tough situations calmly.

You have dealt with the opposite sex a lot and have had enough romantic experiences with them to know what you desire in your partner.


  • You are all mature and ready to start your married life
  • You have had all the fun in your life.
  • Your goals are clear to you or you already achieved them.
  • Everything is planned and in order.


  • A woman’s body is not that healthy to bear a child after 30. Having a kid after 30 can have an adverse effect on the health of both the mother and the child.
  • When you will be in your 50’s, your children will be still teenagers.
  • You will have to bear the burden of responsibilities even after you retire from your job.
  • A woman’s fertility begins to dip at 28 years only (according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Between 30-34 years of age, woman’s infertility issues almost double from 8-15%.
  • It will take longer to start a family due to infertility issues of a woman.

At an age of 35+

You are definitely an independent and successful person. You have a strong friends circle to provide you with emotional support. A lot of time might have been invested by you in different jobs to discover your interests and know what you wanted to earn a living.

You have dated enough people and now your dating pool has extended to divorced, widowed and single moms/dads.


  • Now as you have already waited so long to marry, this is going to be your only marriage.
  • You will have your dream wedding as you have plenty of time to plan and save money for it.
  • Though it seems like dating options are reduced, you are absolutely certain about what kind of person you want to or don’t want to marry.
  • You will have no regrets of missing on fun of your life. You had your share of partying, dating and traveling while going up the career ladder.


  • Conceiving can be a serious issue at this point in life. Infertility rises from 15-32%.
  • You have only 33% chances of getting pregnant as compared to 50% when you are under 35.
  • And if you cross 40 before to have children then you will need professional help to get pregnant.
  • You will have a lot on your shoulders even after you retire.

There are both pros and cons of marrying at every age. According to studies, in India 23-27 is considered an ideal age to marry whereas in other countries ideal marrying age is considered to be 28-32 years. But there is a time for everyone to get married.

As per astrology marrying before or after that time can bring negative impact on marriage and family members. The ideal age to marry depends upon the ascendants of a person. Each planet asks for its own age to marry which depends on their placement.

According to our expert astrologer, Suman Adil, who has experience of 25 years in astrology, a Manglik person should not marry before the age of 28. If he/she does then they will face multiplied problems as compared to the one who marries after the age of 28.

Rahu, Ketu, Mangal, Shani, and Surya are the delaying factors or planets for a marriage. Whereas, Chandra, Budh, Brihaspati, and Shukra are the planets who demands early marriage.

Speaking of various such periods, you may like to read more about Mangal Dosha

Your perfect time to tie a knot can be determined by your horoscope. To identify your ideal time you may consult Suman Adil who is one of the best Astrologers of India.

