In India, the festival season has so far started. After great hype for Rakshabandan and Janmashtami, people are again looking toward the Ganesh Chaturthi 2022 celebrations. The event commemorates Lord Ganesh’s birthday as the offspring of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati.
According to mythology, Lord Ganesh was born during the Shukla Paksha of the Bhadrapada month.
This year, Ganesh Chaturthi is on August 31, 2022.
During Ganesh Chaturthi, believers pray to Lord Ganesh for one bright and happy life.
Ganesh Chaturthi symbolizes Ganesh’s rebirth and represents ‘new beginnings.’
It is widely believed that Lord Ganesha was created amid the day of Madhyahna, giving mid-day the much more auspicious moment for Ganesh Puja, commonly known as Shodashopachara Ganapati Puja.
On this day, Lord Ganesh figurines are taken home for Ganesh Sthapana, while people give prayers with bhog for ten days. On Anant Chaturdashi, worshipers submerge Lord Ganesh’s idols into water sources.
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You should prayed on August 31 between 11.05 AM and 1.00 PM. The idol should also be set up during Puja Muhurta, which runs from 11.05 p.m. to 1.38 p.m.
You can submerge him on Friday, September 9, which is Ganesh Chaturdashi.
Worshippers may be prone to Mithya Dosha due to a curse on the Moon God. Therefore, the best period to avoid seeing the moon is between 03.33 PM – 08.40 PM on August 30, 2022.
The following items should be gathered for the puja: red cloth, the statue of Lord Ganesha, a water urn, Roli, Panchamrit, incense, Kalava, green cloth, Akshat, Panchameva, Janeu, betel nut, Gangajal, cardamom, coconut, batasa, clove, paan, Ghee, camphor, lamp, and flowers.
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You can go along the following steps to understand and perform the Vidhi
If you’ve placed an idol of Lord Ganesha in your house, you must treat it as if it were a family member. Offer Bhog to Ganapati three times every day. Modak must be provided to Ganpati Bappa daily. You may also serve Motichoor or gram flour laddus should you desire.
Even mythological literature indicates Lord Ganesha’s fondness for delicious cuisine. Lord Ganpati likes Modaks and Ladoos, which is why this celebration is incomplete without these delightful treats. Other sweet delights created and served as bhog to the god include Kharvas, Basundi, Srikhand, Rabri, Kheer,& Halwa.
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