Harry Potter– Which Character Are You According To Your Zodiac Sign
Harry Potter is a series of fictional novels written by J.K. Rowling. The novel describes the life of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends. They all study in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main plot of the story revolves around Harry’s struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal.
The books have found immense popularity among readers of all age groups since its first book released on 26th June 1997. The last four books of the series have a record of the fastest-selling books in history. In addition, each character in the books plays an important role. These characters are very intriguing. Let’s find out which character are you according to your zodiac sign!
The twins were born April 1st, under the Aries sign. Aries is full of confidence and ambition. For this reason, Fred and George’s antics attract a lot of attention. Aries are also known for their optimism and positivity as well as their fun-loving qualities. Fred and George spread happiness wherever they go and bring back positivity through their humor even during hard times.
Professor Slughorn always desires to surround himself with famous and successful people, which is a typical Taurus trait. They tend to put themselves above anyone else. Slughorn does this when he initially refuses to teach at Hogwarts. Taurus also has a taste for the finer things in life like food, alcohol, etc. Slughorn has a great taste for all these things.
Draco Malfoy displays two completely different personalities throughout the Harry Potter series. This is a typical Gemini trait. In the first few novels, he seems like a bully. But, as we progress, he seems to develop a sense of morality. Gemini’s can also feel conflicted between their heart and head quite often. Similarly, Draco is torn between following Voldemort and doing what is right.
Cancers are very loving and nurturing. They love spending time with their friends and families. Dobby deeply cherished his friendship with Harry Potter, and always risked his life to save Harry. Dobby is extremely loyal, just like most of the Cancers are.
On the flip side, Cancers could be moody. We see this characteristic in Dudley Dursley. He loved being around his family and enjoyed the pampering he received.
Born on July 31st, the main character of the novel is a Leo. Harry tends to be the center of attraction whether he wants to be or not. Leo’s are known for their bravery and leadership skills. Harry’s character is always shown as brave. Moreover, Leos are natural-born leaders, and so is Harry.
Virgos are known for being hyper-organized and having a strong sense of perfectionism. Hermione is the best character displaying Virgo traits in the Harry Potter series. Her birthday is on September 19th. In addition, like many Virgo’s, Hermione is very compassionate.
Dolores Umbridge displays the sinister traits of a Virgo. She does anything that is necessary for her to achieve her goals.
A sense of balance is the most common trait of Libras. Professor McGonagall is a great example of that. She analyses a situation properly before making any decision. She gave the perfect punishments/ detention to every student when they broke rules. Like many Libras, Mcgonagall is also extremely organized.
Scorpios are known for their intense nature. In the Harry Potter series, Sirius Black is one of the most intense characters. Scorpio is the most loyal zodiac sign. In the Prisoner of Askaban, Sirius says that he would rather die than betraying any of his friends. Like many Scorpios, he has a high sense of morality.
Sagittarius are care-free people and have a very loving nature. Moreover, they are known for the efforts they put to pursue their passion. Hagrid has all these qualities. Sagittarius loves being outdoors, and Hagrid definitely does. He is also very generous, which a typical Sagittarius trait.
The most enigmatic character of the Harry Potter series i.e. Severus Snape was born on January 9th and is a Capricorn. Capricorns are popular for focusing on the past. Snape lives most of his life yearning for a time earlier in his life before everything went wrong. Moreover, stubbornness and strictness are very common characteristics of Capricorn’s. Snape possesses these characteristics.
The one who shouldn’t be named i.e. Voldemort is also a Capricorn. He was born on New Year’s Eve. Voldemort is afraid of his inner demons and this is a Capricorn trait.
With her birthday being on February 13th, Luna Lovegood is an Aquarius. She doesn’t care what other people think of her, even if she sometimes comes off as strange. She always keeps her beliefs close to her heart. In the true Aquarius fashion, she treats everyone equals, regardless of their magical status or species. Aquarians are eccentric dreamers. Luna is unconventional and a dreamer just like an Aquarius.
According to the novel, Ron was born on March 1st, making him a Pisces. Ron has many typical Pisces traits. He is very emotional, which is one of the most notable traits of a Pisces. He is also fearful. We can see Ron struggles while communicating his feelings. He is a true, loyal friend. For instance, he comes back eventually just like a Pisces friend does.
Further, you may like reading about 13 Reasons Why – Which Character Are You