Astrology information

Photography- A Battle of Mind and Ideas

Photography is basically an art of drawing through light, which means you are creating images by using light. The more you play with the light, the better outcome you will get. Photography is all about imagination, brainstorming your minds to convert your ideas into creativity in a visual form.

What makes Photography so Unique?

One of the famous sayings “ A Picture is worth a thousand words” this quote itself describes the uniqueness of a picture. We can also say the uniqueness of Photography. We can write thousands of words for a particular thing but converting that thing in a photograph leaves a deeper impact.

The photograph does not need to tell “I am Art.” Photography stands on its own and it has its own references. A photograph is something which we generally love to see or sometimes we observe certain things which relate to us in a photograph.

There is a lot of difference between clicking and capturing a photograph. Clicking is you like something so you take a picture of it with no intention. On the other side Capturing involves your feeling, your observation, your creativity to bring that thing to life

Emotions of a Photographer

Emotion in a photograph helps the viewer connect with it. Sometimes we see a photograph and find ourselves relating to it. It can be due to certain elements present in the photograph which relate to your present situation. You feel like the Photographer has captured the photograph just for you.

A photographer is a person responsible for bringing these emotions to a photograph through his keen observation and creative skills. Bringing a photograph to reality is what makes a photographer different from a normal person.

We cannot call a photographer an ordinary person who just clicks and photographs and represents it. A photographer is a person who sometimes risks his life to bring reality to you. Every single moment which a photographer captures has some emotions which he wants to convey to the world.

We have often seen people maintaining an album of photographs with their loved ones in order to create memories. The main reason behind this could be, somewhere we believe that “Memories will remain forever” no matter people will remain or not. The photographer creates these memories for you not only for today but for your tomorrow also.

A keen Eye Is Enough For Photography

When we listen to the word “Photography” the first thing comes in our mind is “Camera“. Everyone says if u want to become a photographer u should own a heavy camera. However, according to me this a completely wrong concept.

If you really want to be a photographer, you just need to have that vision, that keen eye through which you can see things differently. No doubt camera is an essential part of Photography but if you that keen eye you can capture beautiful moments from your Phone Camera also.

If I talk about my personal experience, I am doing Photography for last 2 years and most of the pics are my phone captures. One thing I have learned that sometimes u need to capture things in a jiff. At that moment u don’t have enough time to take out your camera, so you can capture it from your phone also.

The only thing you need is to allow your mind to think freely, explore the new things, generate an idea and then convert that idea into creativity. Before photographing a thing first you need to sketch it in your mind and then capture it accordingly.

Social Media- A Paradise For Photographers?

There are many Social Networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, etc which give you a platform to showcase your skills. Social Media not only appreciates your talent but it has the power to take you from zero to hero

Here, if we talk about Instagram we can say it is the No. 1 social networking site we have today. Instagram is slowly taking over Facebook which is the reason most people use Instagram than Facebook. As a photographer, if u want to showcase your talent go for Instagram

As a photographer, if u want to showcase your talent go for Instagram because it gives you an opportunity to upload only images. you cannot upload any written content on Instagram. A photographer has to deal with images only so Instagram is the best place. Your work will reach a larger audience than other social networking sites. You can use a lot of hashtags which help you to reach more and more people.

In a nutshell, I want to say that you can achieve anything only when u have that talent, passion for something that can change your whole life. First thing u need to have that vision and then conversion of your ideas into creativity.

Photography And Vedic Astrology

Let us read what our experienced Astrologer Mahendra Pandey has to say about this on the basis of astrology today:-

Uranus is the planet of creativity, Neptune is the planet of the profound meaning of something. However, Pluto is the planet of the true reality of things around us. These planets are strongly connected with the current changes in society because hidden things are coming out and Photography and social media relate with it to a larger extent.

Mercury connects with memory and Venus with beauty & artistic presentation. However, photography work is something beyond beauty and artistic presentation because it connects with reality and emotions.

Core photography is something creative and magical. It connects strongly with Mercury and Venus in the horoscope. However, photographic work is taking different shapes & it is due to transits of Uranus, Pluto, and Neptune. These planets are at the core in respect of changes and need the perception of society and culture

3rd house of the natal chart is strongly connected with communication-related to photography. The 9th house of the natal chart is connected with travel-related photography. 3rd house, Venus, Mercury and Rahu will determine the activeness and participation of native in social media.

Ascendant and ATMA KARAK planet also play a key role in your interest and inclination in photography work. Natives born in the constellation of Bharani, Ardra, PurvaPhalguni, Chitra, and Anuradha can be related to the photography profession.

For the Best Astrology Predictions connect with Astrologer Mahendra Pandey

These were some of the major points about Photography, also you may like to read about:- Depression Battle- We’ve got your back

