
Gift Lord Shiva blessed Rakhi to your brother this Rakshabandhan


Isn’t choosing the perfect Rakhi for your brother the most daunting thing ever? Well, say no more.

With Rakshabandhan around the corner, Rakhi shopping must be one thing on your itinerary. And though most of the time we choose one random Rakhi to tie on the wrist of our brothers, but this time could be different.

Lord-Shiva blessed Rakhi for your brother

To celebrate Rakhi this year, Astrotalk is organising a special Raksha Bandhan Group Rudrabhishek Pooja, at end of which, anyone who has booked the pooja will get the blessings of Lord Shiva along with an energised Rakhi made of original Rudrakshas and Tulsi beads that they can send to their loved ones.

The Raksha Bandhan Group Rudrabhishek Pooja will be held on 1 August 2022 from 12:10 PM onwards on LIVE EVENT. 

After the Pooja, the abhimantrit/energised rakhi will be sent to you at whatever address you seek to deliver it to. 

Features of Energised Rakhi

The sacred thread of Rakhi, tied on a brother’s wrist by the sister, is the ceremonial expression of her pious hope and wish that her brother be guided by spiritual vision. And with our Rakhi, we have tried our best to keep the feeling intact.

The special Rakshabandhan Rakhi has the following:

  • Each Rakhi has three energised 5-Mukhi Nepal-origin Rudrakshas.
  • The Rakhi is also studded with four Tulsi beads made from the seeds of the Holy Tulsi plant.
  • The sacred thread, Rudraksha, and Tulsi beads – all will be energised in a special Rudrabhishek Pooja.

Benefits of energised Rakhi

  • It is said in the Skanda Purana that wearing Tulsi beads destroys the greatest sins of the person.
  • The Lord-Shiva blessed Rakhi will protect the wearer from negative energies around him. This will help the wearer overcome ongoing problems in life.
  • A five-mukhi Rudraksha is said to bring calmness to the native, lower blood pressure, and also calm down the nervous system of the wearer.
  • The Rudraksha Rakhi also makes the native agile and alert and hence, is very good for students.
  • Purity of life and thoughts will happen by wearing this Rakhi.
  • Astrologers say that Tulsi is dear to Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna. Garuda Purana mentions that Lord Vishnu stays with the person who wears Tulsi beads.

How to book the special Rakhi?

The Rakhi is a part of our special Raksha Bandhan Group Rudrabhishek Pooja. You can book the Pooja from HERE at Rs 1100. The Pooja will be held on 1 August 2022, from 12:10 PM onwards on LIVE EVENT. 

The energised Rakhi will be delivered to your doorsteps after the Pooja. 

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