Astrology information

Valentine’s Day: The Ultimate Zodiac Rule Book


Are you all set to impress your sweetheart this Valentine’s Day? Or trying to sweeten and deepen your relationship? How will you make sure that your Valentine’s Day Date turns out to be perfect? We decided to help you by bringing you some specific Dating ideas based on the Zodiac Signs! It helps to know what your Date will want and why as the dating rules are different for the different signs. So head to the Zodiac of your date and find out things you need to consider.


Dating an Aries can be a joy ride! Always, full-on enthusiast, an Aries is a self-driven, independent and adventurous person. However, keeping up with a fast-paced person’s lifestyle may be quite a task for some people. This fun-loving soul feeds on challenges and difficult goals to stay motivated and charged up.

If you are dating an Aries, keep in mind that having some never-ending conversations over subjects like politics, poverty, terrorism, and global warming is a big-time turn off for them. Discussing things like party venues, guest lists, music, adventure trips and things like that will show you how enthusiastically your Aries date gives his/her valuable inputs.

Also, an Aries, as always looking for a challenge, gets attracted to people who are hard to get and speak their own minds. But never be indifferent to your Aries date’s emotions and hurt his or her ego in any way. You need to convey that you are a real admirer of their personality.


A Taurus likes to take things slow, in the matters of the heart. So, if your date is a Taurus don’t rush and push, it will backfire. Be patient! Although stubborn these sensitive and sensible souls feel at home when they are with people who can make them laugh. If you want warm reciprocation, listen carefully to their ideas and show you are interested in their success and future plans.

Being down to earth and practical, the Taurus people despise boastful and overenthusiastic people and would definitely not like to date one. Hence, showing off your riches would be the last thing you’d want to do when on Valentine’s Day date with a Taurus. The Taurus gives importance to financial stability and emotional security above everything else. Plus, they don’t appreciate or approve of the people who take life and the good things of life for granted.

They believe in earning good things, and then valuing them! So, if you crave adventure, especially in the most serious of the matters, and have a tendency to push your luck, your Taurus lover is unlikely to be an avid partner in crime.


Talk and please talk sense – that’s the key to impress a Gemini. Generally being sapiosexuals, intellectual stimulation will keep the knowledgeable Gemini hooked to the conversation and interested in you and in the relationship. Conversations that are engaging and intellectual and healthy debates will help you leave a lasting impression on Gemini’s mind. And with Gemini, the first impression is usually the last impression.

In a nutshell, sharpen up your knowledge and keep yourself updated, if your Valentine’s Day date is a Gemini. Dating a Gemini feels is like being with a close buddy, as most of them have a casual nature and usually don’t want to treat their relationships like the typical girlfriend-boyfriend or lovy-dovy relation.

This is not to say that they are not sincere. Plus, by any means never consider them to be a doormat. Although, a Gemini may not express it verbally, always remember that they seek emotional security and demand loyalty from their partner. And if you fail to provide them with these, they will be off onto another adventure in split second.


All about feelings and expressions, Cancer natives are a great catch in love, especially if you would want a tender, loyal partner for life. When wooing one, be demonstrative of your emotions, for your shy and introvert Cancer is least likely open upon his or her own. However, if only casual dating is on your agenda rather than a long-term relationship, make it very clear to them right in the beginning. Otherwise, you will end up hurting deep this highly sensitive person. Be sincere and shower them with care and genuine compliments, if you want them to stay on your side for life.

Any sort of fake gestures of love and affection will never go down well with the Cancer because they instinctively know when somebody is real and when somebody is being fake. The fear of getting hurt is very strong in a Cancer that generally makes them take a lot of time to open up, and they prefer keeping a safe distance until they have strongly made up their mind. This can often make them look arrogant or unenthusiastic to many people. But, that is rarely the case.

You will need to carefully build trust and respect in your relationship if you want your partner to open up completely and emotionally. Last but not the least, when it comes to relationship decisions that are vital and mutual, never push hard your Cancer mate. Respect the fact that they also need some time and privacy.


Dating a Leo can be defined as a challenge and fun, both at the same time. Charming and alluring, the Lions love it when people tell them how wonderfully great they are. In other words, you should admire your Leo date and be expressive – and you will have them smitten and happy! The relationship, however, will never work, if you are too egoistic or silent to appreciate and acknowledge Leo’s fine qualities.

Plus, be your witty self, employ your sense of humor and amuse the Leo, as a Leo loves to have a good company and be entertained. Always offer nothing but the best to your Leo beloved, if you want him or her to be yours forever. They strongly believe that they deserve all the attention, well after all they are Lions, and will hardly settle for anything less than extraordinary or special.

However, during the course of your Valentine’s Day date, it is likely that Leo will throw a volley of questions at you, probably out of nowhere. Don’t get offended, because they do it in order to know you, the real side, better, and thereby to assure them that you are exactly the same person inside, as on the outside.


Although you may them to seem cold and detached initially, the Virgo-born are actually quite affectionate and sensitive. But remember that they will take their own pace and time to open up, trust you and even judge you. Hence, if you are dating a Virgo, you will need to hold patience and wait for the things to fall in place with time in order to make the relationship stronger.

Not among the ones to be very vocal about their emotions, the Virgo often leads a predictable life, and therefore, subconsciously look for a partner who is not impulsive or unpredictable. If you want to impress your Virgo Valentine’s Day date, be prepared to talk profoundly around a variety of subjects, and also make sure that the conversations are deep and end on a logical note.

The Virgo is mostly attracted to educated, intelligent, well-behaved and independent people. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to agree to every little thing they say. Although they are analytical and intellectual, the Virgo will love healthy discussions and debates, so your point of view and opinions will always be respected and appreciated.


The people of the Zodiac Sign Libra are very popular with the members of the opposite sex, and their charming, helpful and sensitive nature has an important role in their popularity. In fact, there are great chances that because of these very characteristics you had gotten attracted to them first. If your date is a Libra, ensure to show that you are genuinely interested in knowing them better.

Ask questions that really matter, discuss their life, work, hobbies, dreams, lifestyle, etc. and you will see how the talkative Libra gets involved in the conversation. Don’t get too personal, though. And while you are into it, compliment them, when they are least expecting it – it will make them feel wanted and loved.

They are soft-spoken and can’t stand aggression and an unhealthy environment. Also, these extremely romantic and passionate souls are longing for a companion who is strong, ambitious, outstanding and decisive. Hence, work on these qualities and keep your anger in control, if you want to make the relationship you share with your Libra date wonderful and last for a long time.


Be genuine – that’s the first and the foremost condition you need to fulfill if you want your date with a Scorpio to be a memorable one. As the Scorpio knows it when you are faking something, in an order to impress them, to seduce them or to get them to speak their mind. The Scorpio has this insistent need to know what’s going on, so tell them clearly what you feel; they will definitely hold your views in high regard, even if they don’t match with theirs. And, they would expect only the same kind of respect in return.

Remember to use your sly sense of humor with utmost care while being with a Scorpio. Most of them are way too proud and insecure to laugh at themselves or take lightly all seemingly harmless comments in their stride. Also, your Scorpio date may not be expressive especially at initial times, but nagging him or her about it will make him or her even more reclusive.

If you are going for Valentine’s Day date with a Libra, don’t try to pull them out of their comfort zone; they are secretive and skeptical by nature. Rest assured though, the highly intuitive and passionate Scorpio often make protective and sensuous partners, and will always make you feel safe around their radiant and energetic aura. Passion would matter a lot to your Scorpio date.


Restless and adventurous, a Sagittarius loves to learn about new subjects, explore different locations and cultures and expand the horizon of his or her knowledge. Be free to share your experiences and talk about your wildest adventurous with them. Boring conversations and mind games are a big no when you are dating a fiery Sagittarius.

Be straightforward. However, don’t pry on their personal space. Discussions covering topics like commitment towards the relationship and planning for a future together make the commitment-phobic Sagittarius run away, especially if you are in the early stages of your relationship. So it’s better to take things slow, be a genuine friend to them and keep them assured that you are not trying to bound them down and take away their priceless freedom.

If you are a person who will stimulate his or her desire to learn and escalate the daredevil nature, a Sagittarius will not take much time to fall in love with you.


Usually calm, shy, introverted and ambitious, the Capricorn is probably the most caring and tender partner in the entire Zodiac, especially once they have finally firmed on the one. However, they can be way too cautious before showering someone with their precious love and commitment. So, be patient, till the time the Capricon lets himself/herself fall free in your arms at their will with all the trust. The content smile you shall get in return shall make it all worth.

If you are a person who takes great care of all the responsibilities of life, and who has an authoritative attitude in a positive way, the Capricorn will treasure you with great fondness. And, once you have rightly earned this valuable place in his/her life, you will see how with astonishing ease this seemingly silent creature metamorphs to a passionate and sensual lover.

Although the Capricon admires all things that are quality, high-end being a necessity rather, they don’t want someone who excessively displays their material wealth or even someone who is beyond extravagant in his/ her ways. The Capricorn can be conventional, but they are very smart and intelligent people, and they keep their hearts for the ones who will pass their test of love – which is, by no means, easy!


Funny, smart, talkative and not too overly emotional, an Aquarian attracts people quite easily. But thing is, they themselves take much time to get impressed and fall for somebody. Hence, if your date is an Aquarius, the chances are great that both of you will not be on the same page. Don’t build high hopes right from the beginning. If you want to grab his or her attention, you need to be able to communicate well and rightly stimulate their minds. More than the outer beauty, an Aquarius is mostly impressed by the communication skills of a person.

They are intellectual and friendly and are popular and have large circles of friends. Never get jealous, especially about their friendships with the people of the opposite sex, as they consider it as a big red flag and may bid adieu to you right away. Try and understand his or her point of view, their way of looking at things; your efforts will be much appreciated. There is no such problem in love, which cannot be solved.


Ruled by emotions and gifted with an unconventional cleverness, a Pisces will easily catch your attention and soon after your fantasies. The Pisces’ charms can be rather addictive. Especially in the case you are someone who loves to initiate and have interesting conversations, to weave some dreams and sprinkle life with some ethereal fantasies. The Pisces love to be made laugh, they have a need to feel protected and they will appreciate if you are the nurturing and compassionate kind.

Daydreamers, who often tend to be melancholic. Pisces are gifted with the power to keep themselves and others near them gently grounded. On the other hand, if you can keep the floaty Pisces positive and in a zip, things shall take a definite turn in your favor. Make a Pisces feel confident about life, and you will realize you have found someone who can make your life a wonderland, in return.

Beware of the fact that although the Pisces love to be led. There is a difference between leading and domination, and they hate to be dominated. Don’t make a mistake of suffocating the precious water baby, or he/she won’t hesitate in throwing out of your life.

If you want a personalized consultation to help you with your love and dating or want to solve any problems that your relationship is going through, contact us right away and make this Valentine’s Day a happy occasion to celebrate.

These were some details from the rule book for Valentine’s Day. Also, you may like reading about Lunar Eclipses 2020- Date and Time

Planning for your Valentine’s Day? Connect here with Expert Astrologer online Acharya Anand for the Best Advice and Relationship Consultation.

