
Parakram Diwas 2023: Know All About Netaji On His 126th Birthday


It is an honor that we had such a spirited person in the war of Indian independence. And, to honor Subhas Chandra Bose and his efforts, people around the nation celebrate his birthday as Parakram Diwas. Fondly addressed as Netaji, he is famous for his colossal role in the Indian independence movement. Participating in the non-cooperation movement and leading the Congress party, he became immersed in the militant wing. Not only he promoted socialist policies, but his book The Indian Struggle also covers the Indian independence movement that ensued from 1920 to 1942. On the occasion of Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti 2023, his 126th birthday, let us closely see his journey and astrological details.

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Horoscope of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Name: Subhas Chandra Bose

Date of Birth: January 23, 1897

Time of Birth: 12:15:41

Place of Birth: Cuttack, Odisha

Moon Sign: Virgo

Nakshatra or star constellations: Uttaraphal

Sun Sign: Aquarius

In the Kundli of Netaji, the Lagna is Mesha, which makes him an aggressive warrior. Jupiter in the 5th house, Sun and Mercury in the 10th, Venus in the 11th, and Mars in the 2nd house. Such a favorable placement of planets makes him a person with great Raja yogas. However, Saturn is in the 8th house of death. And many astrologers believe that it became the reason for his untimely death.

  • Sun in the Capricorn zodiac sign in his horoscope gave him braininess and good morals. As per the birth chart of Subhas Chandra Bose, this lord of the 12th house in the 5th one also provided his short temper and aggressive nature.
  • Looking at Mars is in the Taurus sign. On one hand, this placement was harmful to his father. However, on the other hand, it gave Netaji his strong attitude and mindfulness to make decisions without relying on anybody.
  • Looking at planet Mercury in the horoscope of Netaji, you shall see its conjunction with the Sun. Moreover, the lord of the 10th and 1st house in the 5th illustrates his successful career, learning abilities, good education, and focus toward his goal. It also indicates the respect he earned with this placement of planets.
  • One of the most noteworthy placements in his horoscope is the placement of Jupiter. It is the Leo sign and the 12th house. The lord of the 4th and 7th house in the 12th one marks an unfavorable placement. Even though it indicates a liberal nature, it shows a non-peaceful life with many ups and downs. However, his liberal demeanor will bring him to history, and we can easily see that with the work of Netaji.
  • Venus in Aquarius and Saturn in Scorpio zodiac sign made him popular, helpful to others, and peace-loving. But, on the other hand, it also made him a favorite target of enemies, violent in thoughts, over-practical, and a poor-eyesight person.
  • As for Rahu, Ketu and Moon. They gave mixed results to Netaji all his life. Rahu in Capricorn, Ketu in Cancer, and Moon in Virgo made him people’s favorite, but on the other hand, isolated and self-centered being.

Subhas Chandra Bose Jayanti 2023: Day of honor & celebrations

From Jai Hind to his famous quote— Give me your blood, and I will give you freedom, his political charisma, and magnetic personality inspired many into the freedom struggle then. Due to his iconic consciousness, he established a reputation as Iron Man. Hence, every year on January 23, people pay honor and respect to the contribution of Netaji.

Indians celebrate Netaji’s birthday by placing flowers on his statue and flying the Indian flag. They also hold cultural events in classrooms and institutions. Moreover, all public and private offices, schools, and institutions are closed in West Bengal, Tripura, Assam, and Jharkhand. 

Also Read: Guru Gobind Singh Jayanti 2023: Know all about the 10th Sikh Guru

Parakram Diwas 2023: Contribution of Netaji to Indian independence

Netaji was a patriotic leader who spent his entire life in the search of freedom for India. During his lifecycle, he met many iconic figures of great nations like Germany, Japan, and the Soviets during the second world war.

  • He strived to find a way to throw out British rule from Indian land.
  • Moreover, he also founded the Azad Hind Fauj, which is currently the Indian National Army (INA), in Japan to battle against the British.
  • He joined the Indian National Congress in the 1920s as a member of its youth chapter.
  • He rose to become its president in 1938 before resigning to start his political party, The All India Forward Bloc.
  • Subhas Chandra Bose also spoke to Hitler to release the Indian soldiers he had abducted during World War II. And afterward, Netaji included them in his Azad Hind Fauj army.

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Death of Netaji: A mystery that never got solved

Subhas Chandra Bose’s has been a mystery for years. There are many rumors and presumptions surrounding his death. Many say it was an accident, while some claim it was a planned murder. 

First Mystery: Taiwanese passenger killed in a plane crash

It is one of the most popular theories concerning Subhas Chandra Bose’s passing. The Indian government-in-response to a right-to-information request also confirmed it. It says — Subhas Ji died in an aircraft accident in Taiwan on August 18, 1945. And the next day, respectfully, people burned his body. Later, the ashes were taken to Tokyo’s Renkoji temple.

Second Mystery: Tortured and murdered

According to many urban legends and the book Bose: The Indian Samurai, Subhas Chandra Bose died because of British inmate torture rather than an aircraft crash.

Third mystery: French Secret Service’s claim he was alive

The French Secret Service said that Netaji was alive in 1947. He was also allegedly a member of the Japanese group Hikari Kikan. And also the former leader of the Indian Independence League. But in reaction, the British Empire and the Indian Government steadfastly maintained that Subhas Ji perished solely in an aircraft crash.

Fourth Mystery: Bose’s existence as a hermit in Faizabad till 1985

Numerous sources claim that Netaji lived as a hermit in the Faizabad district. He was under the aliases Gumnami Baba or Bhagwanji until passing away there in 1985.

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