Astrology information

Quarantining- 4 Zodiacs Who Will Stock Up the Most Unhealthy Items

Have you got permission to work from home during the Coronavirus outbreak? If that’s the case, you have to be quarantined at home. While quarantining and maintaining social distance are the best way to escape the coronavirus, being indoors the entire day contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle that further increases your weight.

However, there are a few Zodiac Signs that are health-conscious. Be it a regular day or a lockdown, they keep a track of their health. Then, there come a few zodiac signs who wouldn’t care much about their lifestyle during quarantining. They will simply enjoy their privacy and free time with no regrets of getting unhealthy or fat. Besides, they would keep the most unhealthy stock at their houses during the lockdown.

Who are these unhealthy eaters? Dive ahead to know 4 zodiacs who will stock up the most unhealthy items-

Taurus/वृषभ (20th April to 20th May)

Taurus, the second of the Zodiac Circle doesn’t come second when it is about being rebellious, unruly, as well as unhealthy.

These people are their own bosses. Sweet, chill and like chilly, they have their own flavor. However, you can expect a Taurus to have stocked up enough snacks, bread, candies, and liquor. If you think it is a false alarm, you can give them a call and see it for yourself. Not only they would have enough stock of snacks, but also, they would frankly accept this allegation.

Gemini/मिथुन (21st May to 20th June)

A Gemini is the most unruly Zodiac. Rule? For Gemini? Puh-leeeezzz.

Often, people might tell you stories about Sagittarians and how rebellious they are. However, a Gemini is a pure rebel. And just like Breaking Bad’s Walter White, they are a rebel without a cause. Well, what would a Gemini store during quarantine and lockdown?

Cigarettes. Chips. Crakers.

A Gemini loves fast food and they love it with a blowing cigarette.

Scorpio/वृश्चिक (23rd October to 21st November)

It is tough to track what a Scorpio would stock up. Yet, I have a strong intuition that these mysterious and enigmatic people would keep a thick stock sugary drinks, cake, pizzas, energy bars, and peanut butter.

Shocking? Yes, Scorpions are a fan of pizza and coke. They can do anything for this combination. Scorpios are always on the edge of boring skulls and it is tedious to follow the rules. This zodiac sign likes to incorporate a little ambiguity in their day-to-day- lives. This is just who they are. Therefore, to keep themselves going in quarantining, they need an unlimited stock of snacks.

Aquarius/कुंभ (20th January to 18th February)

Coffee. It has to be coffee, coffee, and just coffee.

An Aquarius is a revolutionary to its very core. Under the rule of Lord Saturn, a revolutionary charge and revolt are an inbuilt feature of these water bearers. They are not scared when the government is disrupted. So, lockdown is not much of a stress for them. They might just sit on their sofa and sip their morning coffee, afternoon coffee, evening coffee, and midnight coffee. They would have stocked enough coffee for the next 20-30 days. Thus, this scene is chill for them.

Also, you may like reading about Quarantine- 6 Zodiac Signs that Will Rock their Social Distancing

