
Here is the list of all the shubh muhurats in May 2021


A new month on the calendar – i.e of course the month of Taurus (May) – calls for new festivities, opportunities and Shubh Muhurats to look forward too. And just like we did it for the month of April, we would, in this blog, once again scout the best shubh muhurats in May 2021 for various different rituals and traditions like marriage, griha pravesh, purchasing a vehicle and much more. 

So if you have been planning anything auspicious lately, right from a marriage or naam karan, then this blog can help you find the right date schedule the event.

Shubh muhurat for marriage in May 2021

Unlike April 2021, there are numerous Shubh muhurats for marriage in 2021. In the month of May, there are as many as 15 shubh muhurats for marriage in May 2021 in which you consider tying the knot. Here is the list for you:

  • 1 May 2021, Saturday: Muhurat: 05:40 AM to 10:16 AM; Nakshatra: Mula; Tithi: Panchami
  • 2 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurat: 08:59 AM to 02:50 PM; Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha; Tithi: Shashthi
  • 7 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 07:31 PM to 05:35 AM, May 08; Nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada; Tithi: Dwadashi
  • 8 May 2021, Saturday: Muhurat: 05:35 AM to 05:34 AM, May 09; Nakshatra: Uttara Bhadrapada Revati; Tithi: Dwadashi, Trayodashi
  • 9 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurat: 05:34 AM to 10:49 AM; Nakshatra: Revati; Tithi: Trayodashi
  • 13 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurat: 12:51 AM to 05:31 AM, May 14; Nakshatra: Rohini; Tithi: Dwitiya
  • 14 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 05:31 AM to 05:30 AM, May 15; Nakshatra: Mrigashirsha; Tithi: Tritiya
  • 21 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 03:23 PM to 05:27 AM, May 22; Nakshatra: Uttara Phalguni; Tithi: Dashami
  • 22 May 2021, Saturday: Muhurat: 05:27 AM to 08:03 PM; Nakshatra: Uttara Phalguni, Hasta; Tithi: Dashami, Ekadashi
  • 23 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurat: 06:42 AM to 12:12 PM; Nakshatra: Hasta; Tithi: Dwadashi
  • 24 May 2021, Monday: Muhurat: 11:14 AM to 05:26 AM, May 25; Nakshatra: Swati; Tithi: Trayodashi, Chaturdashi
  • 26 May 2021, Wednesday: Muhurat: 06:36 AM to 01:16 AM, May 27; Nakshatra: Anuradha; Tithi: Purnima, Pratipada
  • 28 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 05:25 AM to 08:01 PM; Nakshatra: Mula; Tithi: Dwitiya, Tritiya
  • 29 May 2021, Saturday: Muhurat: 06:04 PM to 05:24 AM, May 30; Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha; Tithi: Chaturthi, Panchami
  • 30 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurat: 05:24 AM to 04:42 PM; Nakshatra: Uttara Ashadha; Tithi: Panchami

Also Read: In Pics: How To Have A Sustainable Yet Traditional Wedding This Wedding Season

Shubh muhurat for griha pravesh in 2021

Have purchased a new house recently? Well, you must be excited to make an entry and host a party? Well, unlike the month of April, which had no Shubh muhurat for Griha Pravesh, the month of May, however, has six shubh muhurats for griha pravesh in May 2021.

  • 13 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurat: 05:32 AM to 05:31 AM, May 14; Nakshatra: Rohini; Tithi: Dwitiya
  • 14 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 05:31 AM to 05:30 AM, May 15; Nakshatra: Mrigashirsha; Tithi: Tritiya
  • 21 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 03:23 PM to 05:27 AM, May 22; Nakshatra:
  • Uttara Phalguni; Tithi: Dashami
  • 22 May 2021, Saturday: Muhurat: 05:27 AM to 02:06 PM; Nakshatra: Uttara Phalguni; Tithi: Dashami, Ekadashi
  • 24 May 2021, Monday: Muhurat: 05:26 AM to 09:49 AM; Nakshatra:
  • Chitra; Tithi: Trayodashi
  • 26 May 2021, Wednesday: Muhurat: 04:43 PM to 01:16 AM, May 27; Nakshatra: Anuradha; Tithi: Pratipada

Read your Weekly Horoscope

Shubh muhurat for buying a vehicle in May 2021

Let the ride of your life meet you on an auspicious day. Any kind of vehicle must be purchased on an auspicious day to negate any sort of negativity it could bring with itself. With that being said, here are the best shubh muhurat for buying a vehicle in 2021. 

  • 3 May 2021, Monday: Muhurat: 01:39 PM to 05:38 AM, May 04; Nakshatra: Shravana; Tithi: Ashtami
  • 5 May 2021, Wednesday: Muhurat: 01:21 PM to 05:36 AM, May 06; Nakshatra: Shatabhisha; Tithi: Dashami
  • 6 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurat: 05:36 AM to 10:32 AM; Nakshatra: Shatabhisha; Tithi: Dashami
  • 9 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurat: 05:34 AM to 05:29 PM; Nakshatra: Revati; Tithi: Trayodashi
  • 14 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 05:38 AM to 05:30 AM, May 15; Nakshatra: Mrigashirsha; Tithi: Tritiya
  • 16 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurat: 11:14 AM to 05:29 AM, May 17; Nakshatra: Punarvasu; Tithi: Panchami

Also Read: How To practise Self Care As Per Your Zodiac Sign

Best shubh Muhurat for property registration in May 2021

Property purchasing is different from Griha pravesh and both of these occasions have different shubh muhurats to go by. Here are all the shubh muhurat for property registration in May 2021.

  • 6 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurat: 10:32 AM to 05:36 AM, May 07; Nakshatra: Purva Bhadrapada; Tithi: Dashami, Ekadashi
  • 7 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 05:36 AM to 12:26 PM; Nakshatra: Purva Bhadrapada; Tithi: Ekadashi
  • 21 May 2021, Friday: Muhurat: 11:10 AM to 03:23 PM; Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni; Tithi: Dashami

Shubh muhurats for starting a new business in May 2021

You might be excited about your new business but your business making a profit on the first day itself can excite you even more. Well, there 100s of ways to do that, and one among those is by simply starting a business on an auspicious day. Starting a business on Shubh Muhurat ensures all the planets are in the right position and thus can help your business in multiple ways. Here are all the shubh muhurtas for starting a business in May 2021.

  • 06 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurta: 11:08 AM till 2: 46 pm; Nakshatra: Satabhisha
  • 09 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurta: 05:34 AM to 6.33 AM; Nakshatra: Revathi
  • 13 May 2021, Thursday: Nakshatra – Rohini
  • 14 May 2021, Friday: Nakshatra – Mrigashira
  • 15 May 2021, Saturday: Nakshatra – Mrigashira
  • 17 May 2021, Monday: Muhurta: 01: 58 PM 27 to 32 minutes; Nakshatra: Punarvasu
  • 21 May 2021, Friday: Muhurta – 12:10 PM till 01:27 PM; Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni
  • 22 May 2021, Saturday: Nakshatra: Uttara Phalguni
  • 23 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurta: 05:00 AM to 27:28 AM; Nakshatra: Hasta
  • 30 May 2021, Sunday: Nakshatra: Uttarashada
  • 31 May 2021, Monday: Nakshatra: Hearing

Also Read: Best places to travel in 2021 based on your zodiac sign

Shubh muhurats for baby naming ceremony in May 2021

The naming ceremony or nam karan is one of the 16 rites in Hinduism. The naming ceremony requires an astrologer to look into the Kundli of the newborn and accordingly suggest a suitable name for him or her. Again, this conduct bestows the best result if done after a study of shubh muhurat. With that being said, here are shubh muhurats for naam karan in 2020.

  • 02 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurta: 08:59 AM, 03 May 2021 to 05:39 AM
  • 03 May 2021, Monday: Muhurta: 05:38 AM May 04 2021 05:38 AM
  • 05 May 2021, Wednesday: Muhurta: 01:24 PM to May 06, 2021, 05:37 PM
  • 06 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurta: 05:36 AM till 10:32 AM
  • 07 May 2021, Friday: Muhurta: 12:26 PM till May 08 2021 05:35 AM
  • 09 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurta: 05:34 AM till 07:07 AM
  • 13 May 2021, Thursday: Muhurta: 05:31 AM till May 14, 2021, 05:31 AM
  • 14 May 2021, Friday: Muhurta: 05:30 AM till May 15, 2021 to 05:30 AM
  • 17 May 2021, Monday: Muhurta: 01: 22 PM, May 18, 2021, 05:29 AM
  • 21 May 2021, Friday: Muhurta: 03:23 PM, 22 May 2021, 05:27 AM
  • 23 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurta: 05:26 AM till 24 May 2021 05:26 AM
  • 24 May 2021, Monday: Muhurta: 05:25 AM till 25 May 2021 12:13 AM
  • 26 May 2021, Wednesday: Muhurta: 05: 25 AM till May 27, 2021, 01:16 AM
  • 30 May 2021, Sunday: Muhurta: 05:23 AM till 31 May 2021 05:23 AM
  • 31 May 2021, Monday: Muhurta: 05: 23 AM, 04:02 AM

Also Read: Ranking Zodiac Signs Based On How Horny They Usually Are

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