Planetary Transit

Sun transit in Gemini 2022: Read the effects on the zodiac signs

Planet Sun is known as the source of life, both in science and in astrology. Moreover, it represents the well-being of life on earth. By the Sun guiding you, you reach the point of achieving everything you want by working hard. Sun transit in Gemini 2022 will occur right in mid-June. As a result, people must manifest, as the probabilities of achieving great things are high. Read to know the impacts of 2022 Surya Gochar in Mithun Rashi on each zodiac sign.

Sun transit in Gemini 2022: Date and time

On the 15th of June of 2022, the Sun transit in Gemini will take place at 11:58 AM on Wednesday. During the 2022 Sun transit in Gemini people shall seek favorable outcomes if the transit is happening in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses.

Also Read: Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius: Effect on each zodiac sign

Sun transit in Gemini 2022: Impact on each zodiac sign


Sun transit in Gemini 2022 would impact the 11th house for the Aries zodiac sign. During this transit, romantic relations, creativity, and the children of the natives shall see the effects.

  • This transit will bring fortune to the natives, and they shall seek blessings in form of new job opportunities.
    The natives can expect a rise in salary along with successful business deals, and their financial position will also improve.
  • In the professional field, the natives will thrive from every angle. They should consider getting themselves into the power industry as they will most likely gain profit.
  • Health will also be in good condition with the 2022 Surya Gochar. They will see a surge in their confidence level.
    However, on the other hand, they should be careful about their romantic relationship as they might become the cause of disputes in the relationship.


The Sun transit in Gemini 2022 will affect the 12th house of this sign, which will affect the health of the mothers of the natives. They should make sure to take care of their mother and assist them. It will also affect the luxury and comfort aspects of the native.

  • Because of the upgraded current lifestyle, the financial situation may suffer a little. Moreover, the expenses will increase.
  • Professional life will go smoothly without any glitches in the performance. If the workflow is maintained, Taurus natives would manage themselves effortlessly.
  • Natives into the business will see a huge improvement in their outcomes as their business will grow massively during this transit.
  • Although they should work on their anger issues as it might cause dispute within the partnerships and their associations.


The first or the ascendant house will be affected during the Sun transit in June 2022 for this sign and will affect sibling relations, communication, and courage.

  • The natives will indulge in taking their business further while taking calculated steps, which will bring good outcomes.
    They might feel overworked at some points because of the growing business. Finishing every task in time is important as it might increase stress if left alone.
  • Because of the increased workload, the native might get overwhelmed, which will affect the quality of the work. They should avoid new partnerships during this transit.
  • Romantic life and family life will be fulfilling and good, and the native will spend a generous amount of time with their partners and siblings.
  • Gemini natives must remember to follow a diet routine as their health might get affected adversely. The knees and lower abdomen might bother for some time.

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Dominating the 2nd house of this sign, the Sun transit in Gemini 2022 will affect the speech, family, and money.
The native should be careful of what they are saying and should remain humble at all times. They may hurt their family members and their partners with their words.

  • Cancer men and women must maintain serene compatibility with their partners at all costs for their relationship to remain healthy.
  • The chance of increased prospects is there during this transit, and they should put this to good use to further their business.
  • Moreover, during this time, the natives will not have any financial obligations and will also see a hike in their income. Although a healthy lifestyle is vital at all times, the native will not have to face any particular health problems during this period.


When there shall be Sun transit in Gemini 2022, Leo natives would see the impacts on their 3rd house. Mostly the impacts would be favorable and shall benefit the natives in all means and manners.

  • During this planetary transit in 2022, the Leo men and women will have a stable life with excellent social status and improved work outcomes. They will be the center of attention at every social gathering.
  • Professionally they will do very well and will be productive at all times. It will improve their mindset as well and increase their energy and enthusiasm.
  • Control should be maintained while associating with others as they shall become prone to say hurtful things or make promises that they never meant to fulfill. Their actions can hurt others, so they should be careful about them.
    Married couples can expect a vacation and have a good time together.
  • Health will be excellent with no major ailments. The native may indulge in adventures and daring activities, so they should be careful.


For Virgo natives, the transit would occur in the 4th sign. As an impact of Sun transit in Gemini 2022, these people shall see some negative situations. Health and financial situation will get deteriorated.

  • At work, Virgo natives might have to face difficult situations. They might even have to move in their job, which will cause mental distress. Therefore, these people should remain calm and contained.
  • Ahead, as an effect, the natives might have to face unnecessary expenditure without much income. But they need not worry much as this phase will pass soon.
  • Without beforehand planning, natives should not take hasty steps for anything as that might worsen the situation. Their mental health will be the most affected because of all the disturbances in their life. However, natives living away from their native land shall not have any problems.


For Libra people, the Sun transit in Gemini 2022 would impact the 5th house. Libra natives shall enjoy mixed results during this planetary transit 2022.

  • Libra men and women should spend quality time with their family and friend as it would bring good outcomes to them in their personal life.
  • Moreover, as an impact, natives may get distracted from their goals, getting swayed by outer things.
    Relationships may get difficult to maintain as Libra natives might not want to put forth the necessary effort in mutual activities. Some natives might feel it difficult to visualize their goals, which shall aggravate them.
  • In terms of their health, the natives might have to go through some skin issues because of the Sun transit in Gemini 2022. Therefore, our astrologers advise people to drink a lot of water and stay hydrated.


For Scorpio natives, Sun transit in Gemini 2022 will affect the 6th house of the Kundli. As result, Scorpio folks shall see some ups and downs.

  • Natives working at a place away from their home will get a chance to move to their hometown or someplace closer. If they are looking for government jobs, they will get opportunities. They will have financial growth. However, on the other hand, Scorpio natives may become aggressive, which may cause disputes between them and their partners.
  • The natives might get stressed about plans which can cause damage to their current responsibilities, so they should remain calm and act professionally.
  • Moreover, Scorpio people must reduce stress and maintain their sleep schedule and get proper rest.


For Sagittarius natives, Sun transit in Gemini 2022 will impact the 7th house of their horoscope. Sagittarius natives will encounter extreme luck in almost all aspects of their life, because of which they will want to pursue religious activities and visit shrines.

  • Moreover, Sagittarius men and women should indulge in traveling and vacation. As a result of it, these people would have better mental health and stability. However, chances are there that folks may easily feel irritated during this period.
  • During this 2022 Surya Gochar, the natives might try to bring all the attention to themselves. They should be careful while making a hasty decision as that will cause more harm than good.
  • Students should try to remain disciplined and not get distracted easily. If the natives possess plans to buy land and such, they will succeed in getting it done.

Also Read: Mars in 8th house: Effects and remedies as per Vedic astrology


Capricorn men and women shall see the effects of Sun transit in Gemini 2022 on their 8th house. Natives would see some ups and downs in their life.

  • The native should expect unpredictable situations which will cause a sudden shift in their personality and life.
  • Capricorn natives will be able to confront some of their well-being issues along with improved management skills.
    They might want to address some issues with their fathers and try to prove themselves but fall short, which may hurt their egos.
  • It will also cause disputes between them and their parents or in-laws. Along with it, they should handle their anger wisely as it might cause stress for the natives.
  • However, on the other hand, natives working in the field of metaphysics will see great results.


For Aquarius men and women, the Sun transit in Gemini 2022 would affect the 9th house. They will use it to get productive with their work.

  • What they have learned from their previous experiences will be put to good use to start new business ventures.
    They might get too conscious about their appearance, which will make them look self-centered.
  • This transit will help the natives to have full control of their workplace and life.
  • Marital life will be fine. But the natives might have to face some issues regarding business associates, which will get resolved easily if natives handle it with calmness.
  • The natives should take care of their health as they might face skin or stomach problems.


For Pisces men and women, the natives would see the effects on the 10th house. Results here shall make the natives go through mixed possibilities.

  • Because of bad health, there will be a crisis of energy which will affect the professional life of the natives.
    Pisces natives should be very careful about their surroundings as their rivals and opponents may plot something against them. Also, they should plan for uncertain situations.
  • There are chances that they will get time to relax and kick back from their work and get a vacation. If the natives are by any chance in a legal dispute, they will receive positive results.
  • Because of previous health issues, medical concerns may arise. Therefore, natives are advised to keep themselves under close inspection.

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