Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius: Effect on each zodiac sign

Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius

People worship Saturn as the God of justice. Moreover, it is the Karmic planet. Therefore, what you do is what you get is the rule here. Shani dev is known as the provider of discipline and focus. After a long interval around the start of June, Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will occur. It shall show its effect on all the zodiac signs. Read to know-how.

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Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius: Date and time

Saturn retrograde in Aquarius 2022 will happen on June 5 at 4:14 AM, and the effect of this retrograde will vary on different zodiac signs. Since Saturn moves from one zodiac sign to another every 2.5 years, we did not have any Shani Gochar in 2021.

Below are the details of the different effects of Shani Gochar in June 2022 in all zodiac signs.

Saturn retrograde 2022: Effect on all zodiac signs

1. Aries

People with the Aries zodiac sign shall see the positive effects on the 1st, 5th, and 8th houses of their Kundli.

  • Making good decisions is very important for the natives of this sign since that will lead them to succeed in their careers as both men and women.
  • Working on their plans for their future is very important for Aries people as this is the right time to act on them and expand their business.
  • There will be a boost in financial growth as Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will get many new opportunities.
    All the efforts they have put into their work will pay off eventually. Moreover, they will see their pending works completed.
  • Natives should not get distracted from their paths and remain focused. Also, these people also receive social and personal happiness during this time.

2. Taurus

Moving from the 10th house, 2022 Saturn retrograde will occur in the karmic house for Taurus people. This period will be very favorable for the natives of this sign as they will see progress in their previously made plans.

  • Taurus men and women might struggle a bit in their business as they may see variable results. But they will surely enjoy success after some delay and struggle.
  • This might not be the best time to think about changing jobs as that might do more bad than good.
    Students with the Taurus sign must focus on their education as this event may create problems that will lead to distraction.
  • A serious plan regarding money and wealth must is vital. There are possibilities that Saturn retrograde in Aquarius 2022 might make the natives confront financial issues because of major monetary expenses. On the other hand, Taurus people will have the chance to gain profit.
  • In personal life, there might occur some tension between the parents and child because of differences in ideology.

3. Gemini

For Gemini, Saturn will mostly have negative effects as they might have to face many problems in multiple areas of their life.

  • Gemini’s mood during Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will be unhappy most of the time, and they might face an increase in their anger.
  • If they have been awaiting a result for something, they should remain steady and prepared for disappointment.
    Moreover, because of the Saturn retrograde 2022, the native will have to deal with certain losses in business, which can hurt their pride.
  • Natives should be prepared for health issues because of this transition and should be careful all the time. Moreover, all of these problems will lead to mental stress for Gemini natives.

Also Read: Read The Diseases Caused By Saturn In Astrology

4. Cancer

For Cancer, Saturn transit occurred in the 8th house. As an impact of Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius, there shall be major changes in both the personal and professional life of the natives.

  • There are chances of imbalance and instability in economic, political, and social life. Also, arguments and disagreements regarding the social status of both the partners in the marriage may occur.
  • Moreover, reasons could be regarding envy of each other’s success or dispute for an ancestral property.
  • Although there are chances that Cancer people might face financial losses. However, our astrologers suggest that they should remain strong and not lose their composure.

5. Leo

Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will take place in the 7th house of the Leo people. As an impact, natives shall face some ups and downs in their personal life.

  • Leo people might have to face troubles and issues regarding their marital life. Because of many disputes, they will get into petty arguments and will always have an environment of tension.
  • Moreover, with the 2022 Saturn retrograde, Leo folks might even seek separation from their partners for a period of time.
  • Even if there are chances of success just around, these natives may not achieve it easily. Also, they will have to work hard to earn it.
  • As a suggestion, Leo people should make sure to stay positive at all times. Moreover, they should be careful about their spouse’s and their parent’s health, especially at the beginning of the transit.

6. Virgo

The retrograde of Saturn 2022 will be in the 6th house of Virgo natives. As an effect, natives shall face negative times in every aspect of their life.

  • There are chances of health issues and problems in general. Especially, children of the Virgo sign will have to be extra careful because they will have to go through illnesses.
  • On the hand, as a positive impact, there shall be chances to get ahead of their opponents in their business field. Virgo people might have to take out loans because of unexpected expenditures. In fact, they might end up selling or buying lands for personal use.
  • Furthermore, during Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius, there are chances of dispute within the family, especially with their siblings, but their work-life will thrive with success all around.

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7. Libra

The 5th house will get affected during the Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius for the Libra sign. Mostly it would affect the love life, offspring, and education of the natives.

  • Children with the Libra zodiac sign might act in an arrogant way. Also, they shall face problems with their siblings. However, their relationship with their partners will improve.
  • Libra men and women shall gain profit from their partnerships. But they should be alert to everything and not follow blindly.
  • Although the natives might have to worry about their financial situation, students will have to worry about their education and should try not to get distracted easily.

8. Scorpio

Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will occur in the 4th house. It may affect the traveling aspect of Scorpio natives along with their parents and other minor issues.

  • Scorpio men and women might have to move far away from their homes because of professional issues.
    Arguments with siblings might also occur due to inheritance, and they might feel in occasions burdened while taking care of their parents.
  • If there are any ongoing cases regarding their land, Scorpio natives will enjoy success. However, on the other hand, they might want to make changes in their living space.
  • Driving can be dangerous for the natives of this sign. Thus, they will have to avoid traveling as much as possible because there are chances of road accidents.
  • If students of the Scorpio sign have exams during this period, they will perform well.

9. Sagittarius

Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will occur in the 3rd house for the Sagittarius zodiac sign. As a result, it will affect the luck of the native in the field of skill and hard work.

  • Sagittarius men and women shall see positive outcomes in terms of expenditure and might indulge in buying property.
  • Patience is vital during the Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius when dealing with their children as they will bring happiness to them.
  • Traveling is also a great aspect for the natives of this sign as they will get to move from their current residence or travel for work.

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10. Capricorn

Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will occur in the 2nd house of this sign. Personality-wise, natives might face ups and downs.

  • Because of their ideological nature, Capricorn men and women might seem arrogant to others during this period.
    These natives will have to suffer in terms of their mother as they might feel that she is not expressing love clearly.
  • Family problems, in general, will be an issue for these natives during this period. Also, unhappiness will surround them from every member, and they might feel like they are stuck in a loveless marriage.
  • However, on the other hand, they will succeed in increasing their property. Also, regarding the professional life, they will have success and relax a bit during this time.

11. Aquarius

Saturn retrograde 2022 will impact the first or the ascendant house for these natives. As an impact, the main concern for them shall be their personal life.

  • They shall stay worried about their physical appearance and fame most of the time of 2022 Saturn retrograde.
    Furthermore, financial problems will worry them, and they might also have to confront issues regarding their respect and pride.
  • Aquarius men and women might experience sade-sati during this time which means expenditure will increase without any growth in income.
  • Natives shall also face issues with family members and feel a lack of romance in their romantic relationship. Moreover, these people might feel a course of depression during this time, which will prevent them from being productive.
  • Natives must mind their health during Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius because it might deteriorate. This shall increase the medical expenditure of the people. However, on the other hand, these folks would experience a hike in their salary.

12. Pisces

For Pisces people, the Saturn retrograde 2022 in Aquarius will occur in the 12th house. For these folks, the main concern shall be their wealth and mental well-being.

  • Pisces natives must stay careful with their money as there are chances of unnecessary spending.
  • Building trust can be difficult for them during this period in terms of their business, as they should be careful while agreeing to partnerships.
  • When thinking of expanding their business, they should contemplate the idea for longer than usual and make a solid plan before moving forward.
  • When it comes to students with the Aquarius sign, they might face a lack of concentration in education. It could be because of an unhealthy family dynamic.
  • Plus, there are even chances that disputes in the family may cause them to get distracted.

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Posted On - May 17, 2022 | Posted By - Sneha Mahato | Read By -


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