Planetary Transit

Sun transit in Pisces (March 14 – April 14), Who will benefit the most?


Sun is transiting for one month in Pisces. Pisces belongs to Jupiter. Sun and Jupiter are friendly planets. Therefore, the power of the Sun is enhanced by this transit. When Sun is transiting through Purva Bhadrapada – 4th Nakshatra (Star) that belongs to Jupiter, it will have high powers as Jupiter and Sun are friends and Sun is in Jupiter’s house. 

Meanwhile, when the Sun is transiting through Uttar Bhadrapada Nakshatra (Star) which belongs to Saturn, its powers will come down as Sun and Saturn are mutual enemies. When Sun transits through Revati Nakshatra (Star) which belongs to Mercury, its powers will be high as Mercury and Sun are friends.

Who will benefit from Sun transit in Pisces?

Anybody having either Lagnam (Ascendant) or Rasi in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius will enjoy the benefits of the transit as both the Lordship and placement of Sun transiting are good. 

Who will have the maximum benefits?

Anybody whose Lagnam (Ascendant) and Rasi are in any one of the above houses namely Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius and also have their natal Sun placed in Pisces will have the maximum benefits from this Sun transit. I have a huge database with thousands of horoscopes. From the same, I researched whether anybody has this type of planetary configuration. I have listed his or her names below (if I found anybody).

Al GoreFormer Vice President, USA
Antonio DanielsAmerican Basketball Player
Christian Saint PierrePolitician in Quebec
Eric IdleActor
Gary KasparovChess Player
Glenn CloseAmerican Actress
Herbie HancockAmerican Jazz Pianist
Joel GreyAmerican Actor
Kurt RusselAmerican Actor
Linda HuntAmerican Actress
Rick BarryAmerican Basketball Player

Who will have a tough time due to Sun transit in Pisces?

Anybody having the Lagnam (Ascendant) or Rasi in Libra or Pisces will have problems. For Libra Lagnam (Ascendant) or Rasi, the Padagatipati (A planet that does harm to you or brings obstacles during his dasa period and transits) Sun will be transiting in the Sixth House (House of Health). Sixth House (House of Health) is a Dusthana (Bad Place). 

Sixth House (House of Health) brings obstacles, unwanted problems, injuries, illness, accidents, surgeries, litigations and financial losses. For Pisces Lagnam (Ascendant) or Rasi, Lord of the Sixth House (House of Health) Sun will be transiting in the Lagnam (Ascendant). Again, Sixth House (House of Health) is a Dusthana (Bad Place). 

Who will face the maximum problems due to Sun transit?

Anybody having both the Lagnam (Ascendant) and the Rasi in any one of the houses namely Libra or Pisces and having their natal Sun placed in Pisces will have problems acutely. I have a huge database with thousands of horoscopes. From the same, I researched whether anybody has this type of planetary configuration. I have listed his or her names below (if I found anybody).

Lara DuttaIndian Actress
Quincy JonesAmerican Media man

Sun Transit in Pisces on March 14, 2022 – Detail predictions in Kannada.

Blog by – Astrologer Ramkey. For more, follow us on Instagram

