Feng Shui And Vastu Shastra- Similarity and Benefits
The Universe and everything in it is made of energy. So, we are always surrounded by this invisible energy and wish to surround ourselves with positive energy. Positive energy brings good fortune. As a result, people are adopting the ancient principles of Vastu and Feng Shui to improve their lives. Both of them aim at improving the energies around our environment through changes made in the house design, construction, and décor.
Vastu is one of the ancient sciences of architecture. Moreover, the rules of Vastu were made by the sages of the Vedic times. According to Vastu Shastra, a house is a living soul. Vastu means a house or building and Shastra in Sanskrit means knowledge or system.
Feng Shui originated from China. It is a Chinese ancient art that provides ideas for living in harmony. In Chinese, the term “Feng” refers to “wind” and “Shui” means “water”. Most importantly, the principles of Feng Shui aim at achieving harmony with the cosmic forces of water and wind.
Both energies are based on five elements. In Vastu Shastra, the five elements are Earth, water, fire, air, and space. However, in Feng Shui, the elements are earth, water, fire, metal, and wood. Feng Shui practices are more effective for existing spaces. Although, Vastu concepts are meant for during the construction of a building.
Although Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra came from different origins, both of them are based on five elements. Therefore, they help us recognize the role these elements play in an individual’s life. They help us bring harmony in our professional and personal lives. They teach us how to take advantage of the magnetic/ compass directions.
The practices of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra utilize the power of various cosmic energies. They are based on the natural flow of energy in the universe.
The practices of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra have the following benefits:
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