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World Health Day 2020: Secrets To Stay Healthy Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

7th April, World Health Day 2020 is a little more special than all the previous years. As we know the Coronavirus Outbreak shook the global health and economy. On the one side where a large part of the population is under the effect of COVID-19, the other part is under its threat. All across the globe, people are praying and hoping wellbeing of one and all. Amid the lockdown and quarantine, people are practicing numerous healthy habits to prevent the virus.

This World Health Day you must make some simple steps and differences that can improve your physical and mental health. This world health day, let us together take a pledge to make all the crucial changes in our lifestyle to live a healthy one.

Here are a few suggestions on what you must do to stay healthy during the coronavirus outbreak-

Remember, Water is the Key to Good Health

Hydration. Often, in the midst of our busy routines and urge to have soft drinks & coffee, it becomes tough to drink enough water. That’s where we hamper our health the most. Water is the most important drink. Enough water helps your immunity system, kidney, digestive system to perform well. Less water intake draws issues like gas, headaches, dark circle, skin allergies, and bad breath.

Even to prevent Coronavirus, it is vital to be hydrated. So, choose to drink more water from World Health Day.

A Healthy Weight is Important

Your weight holds the capacity to ward off as well as invite the heath issues. As a matter of fact, obesity links to many health problems. When your weight is over, you invite problems like heart issues, stomach problems, and high blood pressure. Whereas when you are underweight, you have to continuously struggle with Anemia, fragile bones and delayed growth.

So, eat healthy food and maintain a proper healthy weight.

Take a Balanced Diet

You are what you eat.

Proper Nutrition is what keeps our bodies in a healthy state. It compliments all the physical activities a body performs. The diet you consume in a day affects your overall health in numerous manners. Thus, make sure you have a proper intake of all the nutrients. Add enough protein, magnesium, calcium as well as carbs in your diet. Always choose your food wisely.

Your Mental Health is Equally Important

Amid every vital nutrient, don’t let stress or tension affect your mental health.

Commonly, people set their focus singularly on their physical health and don’t give the essential attention to mental health. However, mental and physical health functions in accordance with their relationship. Without a healthy mental state, there cannot be a healthy body. Therefore, to keep the stress away you can practice meditation, yoga, and similar activities. In addition to this, if you experience a distortion in your mental health, do not hesitate to take the help of experts.

Read here How to Sleep Correctly According to Vedas.



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