
Astrology Behind Business Failure

Everyone thinks to Start a Business in their Life at some point. But many of them fail due to many Reasons, Business failure can cause due to some astrological Reasons. There is astrology behind business failure that impacts on Business.

When you are Facing Debt and Loss in your Business then it can be because of your Behaviour and Management but there are some things as well that we should check before starting any Business.

Your Horoscope plays a Big Role in telling whether you should Pursue Business or Not. 

If in your Horoscope you Find Surya weak then there are many possibilities that it is affecting your Business. There are some Mantras that you can try to make your Horoscope and Business better.

Astrological Reasons for Business Failure

1. Weak Sun (Surya) Affects Business

When your Horoscope is Defining Surya Weak then it could be the major reason for your Business Failure.

If your Sun (Surya) is Good and Well established in Business Related Houses then you should pursue business Related to Products Like – Wheat, Saffron, Orange and Poison, Etc.

Also if you want to know the Indications Of Weak Sun In Your Kundli then you can read that as well this will you to know the symptoms and indications of sun.

2. Role of Shukra in Business

Shukra or Venus has a significant role to play in the  finance Matters of Family/ Business. The first thing you need to do is Check the Line of Shukra in your Hand that it should be complete and long then Business is for you.
Moreover, you can check out the article on Effects of Venus in Kundli in order to read more thoroughly about the kind of effects it can have in an individual’s life.

3. Swarn Dosh

Swarn Dosh affects your Business and Money that you have Generated through your Business. If you have Swarn Dosh in your Horoscope then you will lose all the money that you have earned through your Business and your Business will Go Down after some Point.

4. Pitra Dosh

Pitra Dosh Can be a Big reason for your Business loss and Failure because Pitra Dosh can affect your Business and it may cause loss and Debt down the Road.

Check your Horoscope by using our Free Kundli feature and if you find any symptoms that are stating that you have Pitra Dosh in your Horoscope then make sure to work on that before starting any Business or Business with Partner.

We have discussed everything here about Pitra Dosh its effects, causes, and remedies you can visit that blog this will help you to know everything about pitra dosh.

5. Mangal and Shani Effects

Mangal and Shani are two main aspects in your Horoscope that defines that you should start a business or not.  

When in your Horoscope Mangal and Shani are not at suitable places then you should not start a business. Expert astrologers suggest that you should find astrology behind business failure but never ignore your horoscope.

6. Shape of Palm

In astrology, we see many things that are connected to human Life and Hand is one of the main points from them. Your Horoscope is almost made by your Hand.

When your Palm of your Hands is Square then you should go for business this sign is very lucky for people who want to start their own business and Business with a partner.

There is one thing also that you should look at in your Hand and that is your little finger of your Hand. Also, your little finger is longer then the 2/3 of your Ring finger then you should pursue the business and if it is not matching then we recommend you do not do business.

Mantra to Overcome Business Failure

“Om Shan Shanescharay Namah”

ऊँ शं शनैश्चाराय नमः।

This Mantra will definitely help you in improving your Business Situation.

Astrological Remedies for Business Failure

1. Avoid Salt On Friday

When you are facing Continuous Loss in Business and you are in Debt and Loan then try to avoid Salt and Food-Related to Salt on Friday this will help you in Business. 

2. Donate Salt Related Food

Try to Donate some salt-related Food to Homeless Girls who are under 8 Years or 8 Years. Make sure to provide them food which is salty in some way.

Donate Food to Girls on Saturday this will help you to better Result Fast.

This will help you to get Stronger Mangal and Rahu.

3. Get a Positive Mindset Before Going For Work

This Mistake is Done by many Individuals who want to start their business or Individuals who have running Business, the problem is they Always go for work with Negative and Frustrated Mindset. You should always make yourself Calm and Positive before going for any Big task.

Temple is one of the best ways to fill yourself with Some Positive Vibes and Calmness. Try to Go to Mandir (Temple) before going on your work.

4. Remedy for Pitra Dosh

As we stated above that Pitra Dosh can harm your business and can affect your Business in Huge way then it is Important to cure. So the first thing you need to do is you need to start with some basic ways to correct this.

The best way out is, You have to take a Coin of Copper  (Tamba) and then you have to find water which is not stable and stopped, Moving water or lake would be better for this Method. Then you have to flow that Coin in that water

5. How to Get Rid of Debt

Debt is very harmful to any business and every business owner do not want any type of Business Debt in their Business but due to multiple situations and reasons, many Businesses get Debt on their head.

The method that we are going to discuss in this is you should go for worship for Lord Shiva on Monday and you should worship (Pooja) them with the Remedy that we are going to tell you.

The method is to take one glass of water and one teaspoon of milk and a teaspoon of honey and mix them together.

Do this on every Monday this will help you to grow in Business.

6. Worship of Lord Shiva

On every Saturday try to worship (Pooja) of lord shiva by taking one coconut with you and after worship donate that Coconut to Homeless people out there. This will definitely improve your Business and Growth in Business.

People who want to start a Business or facing issues in Business should try this method.


According to expert astrologers the reasons and remedies you read above effect Businesses. Mainly Surya and swarn dosh plays a huge role in business failure when your Surya is weak then it can be one of the reasons for business failure.

Try these Remedies to create a Successful Business

  • Avoid salt related food on Friday
  • Worship of lord shiva
  • Stay optimistic in life

Want to find out your chances of having a Debilitation free Sun in your Kundali.

In case you are wondering about Pitra Dosh, Click here and get to know everything that you need to know.

