Mamta Banarjee Horoscope
So, another race to take control over the state of West Bengal is about to begin. The Elections are around the corner and as expected the current Chief Minister of the state “Mamta Banarjee is already in the driving seat. However, it’s going to be a quite decisive battle between the leading lady Mamta,s Trinamool Congress and BJP to remain in the country’s politics. No doubt, Mamta Banerjee is having an upper hand in the upcoming elections. But we all know it’s a political game and you never know even a fraction of few seconds can turn a game all around.
The eight Chief Minister Bengal Mamata Banerjee popularly known as Mamata Didi. She is the founder of West Bengal’s ruling party All India Trinamool Congress. She is the first woman Chief Minister of the state who changed the fate of West Bengal by defeating the longest-serving democratically elected Communist Party to become the CM and won West Bengal from the Communist Party Of India in 2011. Mamta is a very strong lady who was registered her name among the 100 most influential people in the world.
Date of Birth: January 05, 1955
Time Of Birth: 12:00:00 (not confirmed)
Day of Birth: Wednesday
Place Of Birth: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Age: 66 Years
According to the Date of Birth of Mamta Banarjee, she is born with the Zodiac sign of Capricorn. The tenth sign Capricorn is governed by the planet Saturn. Capricorn is a sign of intelligence and hard work and the people falling under this sign are really focused on their work and Mamta Banarjee is a great example of that. A self-made leader who ruling West Bengal for the past three decades. Moreover, she formed her own part by leaving a well-established Congress party.
As we don’t exactly know her time of birth, so we will consider her Surya Kundali and try to analyze her Horoscope. According to her birth chart, Mercury is placed with Rahu and Sun in Sagittarius which is a sign of confidence that will boost her morale in the upcoming elections. The coming of Mercury and Sun together can result in very beneficial Budh-Aditya Yoga in the ascendant. Sun is in the company of crafty Mercury which will improve her style of working and she will also develop an aggressive approach for her future goals.
Mercury as we know is the Lord of the 7th House which is the house of public affairs and politics and also Ketu in the 7th house. This combination shows that she is going to be really successful in politics in the coming years. Moreover, the placement of many planets such as exalted Jupiter and Saturn helped her to become the first women Chief Minister of West Bengal.
As per the Horoscope of Mamta Banarjee, the Saturn Mahadasha Antardasha of Moon till 29th September 2021 is going to influence her. You can say this time is going to be a Golden period where she will gain success for all sides. Whether it’s political campaigns, family relations, health, etc everything is going to favor her. However, during the time of Mars Antardasha until 6th November 2021, she needs to stay really careful. This period might disturb her a bit and there are chances of betrayal from someone close to her.
The effect of Rahu transiting over the moon can bring some hurdles. It might harm her image as an able politician and administrator. Moreover, there are chances of making bad decisions that can affect her political party badly. All she needs is to stay positive and calm. Enhance her grip over the administration and work effectively for the welfare of the people.
Want to know about some myths of the Capricorn zodiac sign? Click here
Talking about the placement of Venus, it will help Mamta Banerjee to grow and will fulfill her all wishes. Moreover, the transit of Ketu of Venus will surely favor her and she might win the elections also. However, it’s not going to that easy win which we saw in the past two elections. If she wins, it will be by a close margin.
Decoding her Horoscope, we can say that 2021 is going to be a roller coaster ride for her. No doubt she holds an upper hand in the upcoming elections but the planetary positions are not favoring her so much as seen in the past few years. Moreover, there is also a possibility that she might lose the elections and stay in the opposition for the coming few years.
The malefic Saturn, aggressive Mars, and shadow planets Rahu and Ketu might irritate her sometimes but all she needs to stay positive and give her 100% as she always did. Moreover, the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn will change her behavior towards her opposition and she might look for alliances which she really needs in this election. Undoubtedly, a win without making any alliances seems like a dream in this election for Mamta Didi.
All we can do, just wish her very good luck for the upcoming elections. A soldier with a magical spirit, she is bound to go on crossing all hurdles and difficulties.
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