
Fashion influencer talks astrology, shares skin-care tips


In yet another episode of The Astrotalk Show, we have Instagram influencer and makeup artist Janvi Limbanchiya in conversation with one of the most talented astrologers SnehaG.

Janvi has over 30K followers on Instagram and is a huge believer in astrology as her mother herself is a renowned astrologer. Janvi shares how astrology has helped her along the way in not only choosing the right career path but also investment options, among other things.

Apart from that, SnehaG also managed to get Janvi to share some amazing makeup and fashion tips with us. Give it a look.

“I have been exposed to astrology since a very tender age. My mother would always tell me to do specific things in a specific way at a specific time, which used to irritate me a lot when I was little. But as I grew up, I have felt that all those rules and rituals have really helped me get this far in life which is why I believe in astrology so much,” Janvi says.

In conversation, Janvi asks SnehaG about her marriage, mother’s health, career, and more. Janvi shares that she is fond of filmmaking and is trying to make a career in it. She also revealed how astrology has helped her choose the right field within filmmaking.

Also Read: August horoscope 2022

“I have always been attracted to filmmaking. But there are so many fields within filmmaking, and choosing the right one is really important as there is a huge competition and your work has to be perfect for anyone to consider you. My mother had predicted for me that I have a strong Venus and thus an eye for aesthetics, which would be helpful for me if I go into cinematography. I don’t regret the decision,” Janvi adds.

Just like Janvi, if you too wish to get a FREE session with your favourite astrologer, then comment who is your favourite astrologer and why in the comment section of this video or send us a mail at

The Astrotalk Show – Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8 | Episode 9 | Episode 10

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