Sagittarius Tomorrow Horoscope
(Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Personal: You can relate well to the opposite sex, and you are more in touch with your masculine side (if a woman) or your feminine side (if you are a man).
Travel: Travel for a job interview is favored.
Money: You have luck when you sign up for new credit.
Career: This is a very exciting time for those of you who are studying, especially the social sciences and law. You are quite fascinated by aspects of the work, and while you may be a little rebellious and skip class, it is not for lack of interest but because you may want to explore the subject more widely than the class allows.
Health: Eat more papino, guava and kiwi fruit. When taking vitamins think ACE – Vitamin A, C and E.
Emotions: You will experience greater inner harmony and a greater balance of yin and yang in your emotional life.