Sagittarius Yesterday Horoscope

10 December 2024


Sagittarius Yesterday Horoscope

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Personal: Being in a relationship is great. But make sure you take time for yourself, too.

Travel: Too much travel plans and not enough time. Take things slowly. The world will wait for you.

Money: Praise yourself now and again. Luck will naturally follow

Career: Manage your stress and slow down if you need to. Work isn’t a race.

Health: Sometimes little things like taking the long route home can improve your general wellbeing. Incorporate ways to get movement in by making some simple changes.

Emotions: Tell people how you feel. They want to listen.

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John Abraham
December 17, 1972
December 21, 1963
Anil Kapoor
December 24, 1959
Salman Khan
December 27, 1965

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