Mirror mirror on the wall, which is the most flirty zodiac sign of them all? Well, if you answer the question for yourself, there are 99% chances that you might end up calling yourself a flirt. And that would be because all of us have a little flirt in us.
Harmless flirting is really a skill that not many possess. And if you have such a skill and use it for good (i.e. to make your crush smile), then we assure you that you will end up with someone really adventurous in life (even if you don’t end up with your crush).
But coming back to the question, which is the most flirty zodiac sign of them all? In astrology, one way to investigate the question is to look into the Venus sign. Venus in astrology represents love, harmony and romance. Having Venus placed in the house of love in Kundli helps in bringing out the best version of flirting in you.
The houses in astrology too have a say in a person being a flirt or not. Herein, the 5th and 7th houses have a role to play. For the unaware, the fifth house in astrology is related to pleasure and thus favours sensual flirting. Meanwhile, the seventh house rules your close partnerships, specifically your romantic partners and spouses. When these two houses are influenced by positive planets, the combination helps the native get better at all aspects of romance.
That would be one astrological way of checking whether you have flirting skills within you or not. But also, there are zodiac signs who are born flirt and need no such checks. Have a look:-
When Rachel said, “that man is one hell of a smooth talker,” she was referring to Gemini. And what Rachel fell for was Gemini’s skill of flirting effortlessly, i.e. without sounding geeky. In astrology, Gemini is ruled by the Mercury sign, which is the sign of communication. And that is what makes a Gemini good with words, thus flirting. Geminis are one of the best conversation starters, which only help these people hone their flirting skills, as what’s a conversation without a pick-up line?
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Nevertheless, the good thing about Gemini is that they don’t flirt just for fun. They will wander around you only if they have a thing for you and won’t feel shy to communicate it right up to you. This flirting ability of Gemini also allows them the capability to convince anyone and everyone.
If the chatter is about love, romance, sex or anything related, and you don’t include a Taurus in it, then well, that is not fair. Taurus are born flirt and likely one of the most flirty zodiac signs. Taurus totally overthink the first move, but if you give them the green signal, their way of slipping the dirtiest puns into the conversation will leave you amazed yet shy. Taurus gets this amazing talent of flirting from its ruling sign Venus, the planet of love and romance.
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Venus also reeks traditionality and thus allows a Taurus an old school way of doing things. So if you find their way of flirting different to others, don’t get surprised. Also, if you seek a relationship with Taurus, you will have to beat them at their flirting game, as only then will they find you interesting. Unfair, but true!!
What does a Libra balance his good side with? Well, a mind having a lot of flirting fantasies. Libra is undoubtedly the flirtiest zodiac sign, which is something they adore. Like Taurus, Libra is also ruled by Venus, which plants the flirting nature in them. However, unlike Taurus, Libra’s flirting skills come out only after they have fallen for someone.
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In a relationship, Libras don’t like confrontation and thus would use their flirting skills to butter you up. As an air sign, Libras know exactly how to weave their words and make them sound sensual, which is another way they flirt with someone.
We don’t know where they are getting this confidence from, but Scorpio uses both – their words and body – to flirt with you. Scorpio is the most sensual sign of the zodiac jungle, and hence flirting comes naturally to them. They are not afraid to say something that will get your heart beating fast. But but but!! If you think a Scorpion will simply flirt back when you make the first move, then you are completely wrong.
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Apart from being sensual, Scorpio is very shy and choosy too. In fact, you won’t realise they are the most sensual zodiac sign until they choose to show it to you. So, if you seek to behold the best version of a Scorpio or their flirting nature, you have to leave a good impression of yours on their mind.
When it comes to romanticising life, you know a thing or two, Pisces. The Pisces’ traits of imagining the most romantic life for themselves help them with skills that really can make their love life amazing. The water sign has the twin personality of being the most innocent and yet flirtiest zodiac sign. Here, what Pisces’ innocent nature does to them is stop them from realising that they are being flirted with. Yet, they understand what good romance looks like and thus are able to choose the right one to flirt with.
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Pisces are usually shy when it comes to flirting. However, this often works in their favour by making them appear cute and mysterious. If you think Pisces can’t compete with your flirting skills, simply try initiating a conversation.
Did you make it to this flirty zodiac sign list?
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