Are you planning your wedding? Well, we would suggest you know certain things before you start your new journey with anybody new. According to astrology, there are many points you should consider pertaining to their nature, behavior, outlook on life, etc. All these not only help you understand how your life partner will be as per astrology but also let you choose the right one who shall keep you happy and lead a blissful marital life with you. Here we are with some important points you should look for in your partner’s birth chart. Consider looking at them before you marry— whether love marriage or arranged!
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One of the most important things to notice in your partner’s birth chart is the seventh house. As per astrology, the seventh house is the house of marriage. Moreover, it represents the spouse, its nature, and how will your marital life be. Looking at it, its ruling zodiac sign, and the planets present in it can give you a better insight into how compatible you will be with your marriage partner.
For example, if Capricorn governs the seventh house in your partner’s Kundli, your partner will be a preserving person. He or she will value commitment and focus on significant efforts in marriage and relationships.
Similarly, the presence of any planet, say suppose, Moon in this house indicates quite some information about the future partner. Your spouse’s nature will be dominant, independent, and strong. Moreover, the partner will be good-looking and understanding to quite an extent.
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Venus in astrology represents affection and kindness. Moreover, your partner’s natal chart reveals how expressible they are regarding their feelings. If you and your partner both possess planet Venus in an auspicious position, you shall have a harmonious marital life where communication and love won’t be troublesome thing. However, if the placement is inauspicious, it might become hard for you to communicate your love and satisfaction in marriage will not be there.
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Planet Mars in the horoscope represents desires and lust. Hence, by knowing its position in your partner’s birth chart, you shall know how your romantic and sexual compatibility will be with your partner. Also, you shall understand easily what your better half might expect regarding physical connections with you as well as others.
With this, Mars looks after the emotions too in marriage. Hence, knowing the placement of Mars, you can understand how to control, deal and handle your partner and their needs and wantings in a marriage.
Mercury rules over the communication sector in a Kundli. Hence, it becomes important to know the condition of Mercury in your partner’s birth chart. If it is auspicious, your partner will be intelligent and understanding. Your spouse will know how to make meaningful conversations and speak about things effortlessly.
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In Vedic astrology, there are 27 Nakshatras. While some are compatible with each other and form a great pair for a couple about to get married, many are unfavorable to each other. Thus, create troubles in the long run. In your partner’s chart, looking at their Nakshatra and matching it with yours can help you settle into a long-running marriage.
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Having the Sun and Venus in the same zodiac sign in the horoscope of your future partner reveals their connection with other people and the relationships they had in the past— the kind of person they were with, what they look for in a partner, or whatsoever. Moreover, by knowing their position and comparing the same to yours, you may know if the person you are about to marry is actually a match for you or not. Also, your marriage will be a potential one or break early in the course of life.
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By far, we read about the planets that are of importance in the house of a male or female when they are about to get married. In the course of the same stands the Lagna house or the ascendant house. According to Vedic astrology, your Lagna or ascendant must be compatible with your partner. If they are enemies of each, you will have a hard marriage with tough times staying around each other. Your interests will be poles apart, and disputes will be ongoing.
For example, if your ascendant house is Leo and your partner is Capricorn, the ruling planet becomes Sun and Saturn respectively. Both the planets are enemies of each other and make your marital life hard to deal with in the long run.
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How strong the Lagna, Bhagya Sthana, and Poorva Sthana are in the Kundli is of immense importance when considering the birth chart of your partner. According to marriage astrology, in your or your partner’s birth chart, you must not have Kalathra Dosha, Kuja Dosha, Sayana Dosha, or Rajju Dosha. Having any of these in the horoscope can create a troublesome marriage and other issues with the partner if ignored.
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