Capricorn Yesterday Horoscope
(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Personal: Whether you're single or taken, everybody admires your beauty and your wit. A Scorpio will try to flirt with you today, but it won't necessarily be anything serious.
Travel: The most important thing is to maintain a happy and positive mindset when travelling. Don't get upset about things out of your control.
Money: The planet of good luck, Jupiter, is protecting you and your finances.
Career: You will experience some financial loss, but you will quickly regain it. Today, you are going to make a very important decision at work.
Health: You have to be more responsible with yourself and your health, Capricorn. Do something that will make your immune system stronger.
Emotions: You will feel inspired today. Write down all the ideas that you have because one of those ideas can be the idea that will change your life.