Capricorn Tomorrow Horoscope
(Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Personal: If you are single, you keep going back and forth between wanting to be in a loving relationship and wanting to be on your own.
Travel: When travelling internationally, make sure that you are not the person holding up the line in the airport by checking what you can and can't carry on the plane.
Money: You will have some minor overall luck today. 33 and 13 are your lucky numbers for the day.
Career: Focus, focus, focus, Capricorn! It's very important that you keep up the good work now. You will get a call soon about an offer that you just can't say no to.
Health: Even though you are really healthy, your energy is very low today. Yoga, a nice relaxing walk, or a good nap will help you restore your energy.
Emotions: You might feel a little more reckless than usual. Today is not the best day to make big, or potentially life changing decisions.