Libra Tomorrow Horoscope
(Sep 23 - Oct 23)
Personal: This is a period of many new friends, and yet they may not be lasting solid friends; they may be there to serve a purpose, and are of a time and space rather than set to go through life with you, and so be careful of what emotions and feelings you attribute to these relationships.
Travel: Travel to a city centre for an evening event is favored.
Money: Libra are lucky in the restaurant trade.
Career: You may look to network and expand networks, or you may look to promote your aims by arranging balls, fetes, reunions, or coffee mornings.
Health: While you won’t be too concerned about diet, you are very particular about dress and manners, and so how you look and act matters, and you are sure to give a very good impression at work and socially.
Emotions: A very sociable time, and yet it is not just about having fun; it is about social life being purposeful and emotionally satisfying.