“I don’t lie” is the tremendous lie that every human tells. We don’t even leave our bed and tell our friends that we are about to reach. The whole arrangement of the party is made and suddenly we get a headache. What we exactly want to say is that every person lies at some moment. Hence everybody belongs to a particular zodiac so there is a great impact of the house on that person.
No matter where we go and what we do we are always encompassed by the house we belong to. This is amazing and surprising as well but it’s true. There come some common lies which every zodiac tells particularly.
It is very clear that we lie because we want to escape from the situation. Sometimes we are not okay but we have to reflect ourselves perfect. So we lie due to the situation but we lie particularly according to our zodiac house. Let’s get a full journal of the common lies of every zodiac by scrolling till the end of this article.
Even if the planets are about to collide, people under this house will never reveal that they are suffering. They always show it cool because they always want to show the world that they are robust enough. However they regret of not being competent of displaying their abilities but when it comes to telling what exactly going on, they always say ”I am okay” or “everything is fine”.
Taurus has the tag line that ”we don’t lie”. The people of this house always want to reflect a spiritual personality. Actually, they are uptight with moral beliefs and honesty. No doubt they are honest but it doesn’t mean that they are always concerned with the truth too. They always say “I don’t lie” which becomes a lie because everybody does.
If you call or text your Gemini friend and it gets missed, don’t expect that it is going to be back. Even if a Gemini says that he will get back soon still don’t expect. The calls and text or not missed by mistake but they are actually. “ I will get back to you” is a particular lie which the people of this house will tell you.
If your friend belongs to cancer, never believe him about reaching on time. Whenever you will call him to know his exact location, he will always reply that he’s almost there with you. Even if he has not left the door of his house, still he will assure you to be with you in a while.
Click here to discover some HARSH, shocking facts about Cancer Woman.
Leo people like to be composed in every situation because it is like they need to conquer. If there is something which is not good and they’re feeling the same yet they lie that everything is fine. Nothing is a big issue for Leo doesn’t matter how much it is affecting them inside.
If you explain anything to the people of this house, they will always get back to you as if they have understood all the things. However, they have not got any single point yet they pretend like it’s easy and in their memory. “I understand” is the biggest lie which a Virgo will tell you.
If you have told any of your secrets to a Libra and he or she has assured you that the secret is not going to be revealed yet you need to be worried. Libra although try to do their best in keeping the secret yet somehow they spread the word.
Whenever Scorpio people get angry, they always make a commitment that they are not going to forgive anyone. When the situation is gone and they get serenity, they forget their commitment. They just lie ”I won’t forgive you” it’s because they are short-tempered people.
There is a magnetic darkness within a Scorpion that draws people in, one can NEVER ignore a scorpion. This person will make his presence felt! Read more about Scorpio. Read more about the most sensual lady of all zodiac.
The people of this house always like to show that they are busy with some stuff and they do work immediately. This is the biggest lie they tell. Although they ensure that they are going to do work till deadline yet they don’t.
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Capricorn makes other people comfortable to share their views on weird. Also, they make sure that they are not going to laugh on any of the things which other person is telling about weirdness. After when the person tells a weird thing or weird experience of his life, they try harder not to laugh but a day set the club on fire by laughing.
People of this house get confused about someone’s feelings. They just share their sarcastic views. When they see the person is getting offended, they try to escape by saying that they are just kidding. It is a lie when they say ”I am just kidding” and reflect their personality as a rude being
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Whenever you tell something exciting to the people of this house, they make sure that they want to try that once. This is the biggest lie they tell that they want to try it once but believe us they don’t. They just lie.
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Know here about how every zodiac deals with the breakup.