How To Know If You Have A Second Marriage In Your Horoscope?

Thriving in Second Marriages everything about second marriage in horoscope and astrology

In astrology, the second marriage is a topic of interest and significance. The second house represents the family. The seventh house signifies partnerships, including marriage. The placement of planets in these houses, and their relationship with each other, can indicate the possibility of a second marriage in a person’s chart. Additionally, the condition of Venus can also provide insights into the potential for a second marriage. These factors help understand the prospects for a person’s second marriage. Read to know if you have second marriage in horoscope or not.

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Planets for second marriage in horoscope

In astrology, the possibility of a second marriage is denoted by examining the placement of certain planets in a person’s chart. Here are some planets and their positions that may indicate the likelihood of a second marriage in horoscope:

  • Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships. Its placement in the seventh house can indicate a second marriage. Also, a positive aspect of the seventh house lord can indicate the potential for a second marriage. A strong Venus in the chart also shows a person’s desire for a loving and harmonious relationship.
  • Jupiter: Jupiter represents expansion and growth. Its placement in the seventh house can indicate the possibility of a second marriage. Jupiter’s influence also suggests that the second marriage will bring good fortune and positive outcomes.
  • Moon: The Moon signifies emotions, feelings, and the mind. A positive aspect of the seventh house lord can indicate the likelihood of a second marriage. A strong and positive Moon in the chart suggests that the second marriage will bring emotional fulfillment and stability.
  • Mercury: Mercury is the planet of communication and intellect. Its placement in the seventh house can indicate the possibility of a second marriage with someone intelligent and communicative.
  • Rahu: Rahu represents desire and ambition. Its placement in the seventh house can indicate the potential for a second marriage. However, Rahu’s influence suggests that the second marriage may be unconventional or unexpected.
  • Mars: Mars represents passion, energy, and aggression. Its placement in the seventh house or a positive aspect with the seventh house lord can indicate the possibility of a second marriage with someone ambitious and strong-willed.

Houses for second marriage in horoscope

Houses also denote the possibility of second Marriage in astrology. Here are some houses and their positions that may indicate the likelihood of a second marriage in horoscope:

  • 7th House: The seventh house represents partnerships, including marriage. Its placement in the chart can indicate the potential for a second marriage. If the seventh house is bold and well-placed, it suggests that the person strongly desires a committed and harmonious relationship.
  • 8th House: The eighth house represents transformation, change, and rebirth. Its placement in the chart can indicate the possibility of a second marriage. A positive aspect of the seventh house or its lord also denotes this. A bold eighth house suggests that the person may have experienced a significant transformation in their life that could lead to a second marriage.
  • 9th House: The ninth house represents philosophy, religion, and higher education. Its placement in the chart can indicate the potential for a second marriage, especially if it is in a positive aspect with the seventh house or its lord. A bold ninth house suggests that the person may meet their second spouse through a spiritual or intellectual pursuit.
  • 11th House: The eleventh house represents friendships, social networks, and aspirations. Its placement in the chart can also indicate the possibility of a second marriage. A positive aspect of the seventh house or its lord also denotes this. A bold eleventh house suggests the person may meet their second spouse through their social circle or a shared interest.

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Combinations in astrology that indicate second marriage

The combinations of houses and planetary positions can better indicate a second marriage in a person’s Kundli. Here are some common combinations that may indicate the likelihood of a second marriage in horoscope:

  • Venus in the 7th house: Venus is the planet of love and relationships, and its placement in the seventh house of partnerships can indicate the potential for a second marriage in horoscope.
  • Lord of the 7th house is in a dual sign: Dual signs represent duality and multiple experiences. The position of the lord of the seventh house in a dual sign. It can also indicate the possibility of a second marriage.
  • 7th house lord in the 8th house: The eighth house represents transformation and change, and its relationship with the seventh house lord can indicate the potential for a second marriage.
  • In the period of the planet that rules the 7th house: The timing of the second marriage is denoted by examining the planetary periods or Dashas. If the period of the planet that rules the seventh house coincides with the time of a potential second marriage, it may indicate its likelihood.
  • Rahu in the 7th house: Rahu represents desire and ambition, and its placement in the seventh house of partnerships can indicate the possibility of a second marriage in horoscope. Moreover, its influence also suggests that the second marriage may be unconventional or unexpected. The placement of planets in the seventh house: The placement of multiple planets in the seventh house, especially Venus and Jupiter, can indicate the potential for a second marriage.
  • Influence of benefic planets on 7th house and its lord: The influence of benefic planets, such as Jupiter and Venus, on the 7th house and its lord can indicate the potential for a harmonious and successful second marriage.

How to know if second marriage will be successful?

In astrology, the potential for a successful second marriage can be seen by examining the placement of planets. This could also include houses and their relationships with each other. Here are some factors to consider when examining the likelihood of a successful second marriage:

  • Strong 7th house: A strong seventh house, which represents partnerships and marriage, is essential for a successful second marriage in horoscope. Moreover, a well-placed and well-aspected seventh house suggests that the person is ready for a committed and harmonious relationship.
  • Benefic planets in 7th house: The influence of benefic planets can indicate certain things. The planets Jupiter and Venus, on the seventh house, can indicate the potential for a successful and happy second marriage.
  • Placement of the planet that rules the 7th house: The condition and placement of the planet that rules the seventh house, such as Venus or Jupiter, can provide insight into the success of a second marriage. If the planet is well-placed and well-aspected, it suggests a positive outcome.
  • Positive aspects between the planets ruling the 7th and 11th houses: The eleventh house represents friendships and social networks, and its relationship with the seventh house can indicate the potential for a successful second marriage. Positive aspects between the planets also ruling these houses suggest a harmonious and supportive relationship.
  • The position of the Moon: The position of the Moon in the chart can also provide insight into the success of a second marriage in horoscope. A well-placed and well-aspected Moon suggests emotional stability and a willingness to commit to a relationship.

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Remedies to make second marriage successful

In Vedic astrology, several remedies can be used to make a second marriage successful. Here are six remedies that can be effective:

  • Mantras for Lord Shiva or Goddess Parvati can help create positive energy and harmony in the second marriage.
  • Wearing gemstones, such as a diamond or a yellow sapphire, can help strengthen the beneficial planets in the chart and promote a successful second marriage.
  • Performing Navgrah puja also can help neutralize any negative effects of the planets and promote harmony and success in the second marriage.
  • Donating to charity, especially for causes related to marriage and partnerships, can help create positive karma and promote a successful second marriage.
  • Performing Shani puja also can help neutralize any negative effects of Saturn. It can moreover promote harmony and success in the second marriage.
  • Seeking the blessings and guidance of elders, especially those who have had successful marriages themselves, can be a powerful remedy for creating a successful second marriage.

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Posted On - March 30, 2023 | Posted By - Kasturi Chaudhari | Read By -


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