How Vastu can upgrade your business

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is an antiquated Indian study of amicability and prosperous living. It works by making out negative and upgrading positive energies around us.

Anybody will consent to the way that we, people, invest the vast majority of their vastu  energy in a structure be it our home, office or whatever else.

A few energies are certain (with satisfying impacts) while others are negative (having horrible impacts) on us.

Vastu means to dispense with pessimistic and improve constructive vitality present at a spot or area so an individual, family or even business possessing a structure become prosperous and dynamic.

In basic terms we can say that, vastu means to make amicable structures at spots tuned in to the unstoppable force of life, with the goal that the human possessing the structure, lives very much adjusted and glad life.

What Happens if a place Doesn’t Follow Vastu Shastra?

Abiding in a structure which isn’t as indicated by vastu shastra standards can prompt loss of cash, physical disease or scatter and now and again awkward demise of occupant or some precious ones.

Then again in the event that the structure pursues standards of vastu, at that point every Divine Power help and bolster individuals’ sure reasoning and dynamic activities.

Vastu Shastra Guidelines: Prosperity at Work

Sitting courses of action

  • As per Vastu Shastra, business people ought to sit confronting the north, east or north-east heading as it is viewed as favorable. The sun ascends in the east, making it helpful for money related development.
  • Showcasing and deals experts ought to sit in the north-west bearing, such that the seat must face the north-east course to guarantee experts are increasingly proactive at work.
  • Bookkeeping experts ought to sit in the south-east corner at work and face the north-east heading for expanded riches.
  • Business heads ought to possess a lodge in the western piece of the workplace. They should confront the north-east bearing as it improves initiative abilities.
  • Vastu bearings helpful for money related thriving are north and upper east. The northern bearing is led by Lord Kubera, the divine force of riches. The north-east bearing is administered by water, which is characteristic of an individual’s budgetary status, as indicated by Vastu Shastra. Ddhannak proposes putting a mirror or a Kuber Yantra on the northern mass of the northern segment of the workplace to guarantee better money related chances.

Position of articles

  1. Vastu Shastra denies the heaping up of completed merchandise (for item makers) before the workplace work area, in the north-east course, as it makes obstacles. Completed products ought to be set in the north-west course to guarantee they are sold.
  2. Significant monetary records ought to be secured away a safe built in the south-west zone of the workplace. The safe should confront the north-east bearing to improve funds and by and large success.
  3. The banquet room of the workplace makes an enduring impression for first-time guests. Consequently, setting a lot of French lavender blooms or green jade blossoms on the front counter will encompass the space with energy, in this manner drawing in thriving.
  4. A glass or metal table in an unpredictable shape in the lodge advances perplexity, stress and separation from work.

Brightening the workplace

  • Meeting room ought to be put in the north-west course.
  • You can put an aquarium with nine goldfish and one blackfish in the North-East bearing.
  • Work areas or workstations ought to be rectangular or square however not L-formed. Any unpredictable shape makes perplexity and ought to be kept away from

Vastu for Office Construction

Vastu for office construction
  • Developing the places of business according to the standards of Vastu will give you the sort of benefits you are gazing upward to.
  • You have to pick either rectangular or square plot for the workplace.
  • Northern and Eastern zones are the best for seating the center level workers.
  • All the side tables and phones if any ought to be arranged in the southeast course.
  • Gathering of your office ought to be in the North-east section of the workplace.
  • In the openings there ought to be no impediments.
  • In the event that you have entryways and windows in the workplace for ventilation, they ought to be in the Eastern and Northern course.

Why the North-East corner is significant in house

The North East corner of the house is managed by Jupiter (Guru) and the component of water. Since Guru is the most significant god for people, the North East corner is additionally called as the ‘Esha’ corner. This position is most appropriate for puja room.

Guarantee that the kitchen or washroom should never involve this spot. In the event that you plan your front room here, you can set up a wellspring here and let the water stream consistently.

What to do in the South-East corner at home

The leader of the South East corner is Venus and the component of flame.  You should design your kitchen at this area and never at any point fabricate latrine in this locale.

What Vastu says adjoin South-West corner in office

 Vastu has named this corner as Nairutya corner. This is the best corner to design the ace office.

Additionally, the fundamental chest or the fortune box or the pantry where you store assets can be set here. This will prompt duplicating of your riches.


It so happens at times that you deal with certain significant venture or introductions and your PC separates. What do you do? In the event that you would prefer not to endure overwhelming misfortunes, be extremely cautious while developing your places of business and settings protests there.

On the off chance that you know the most appropriate bearings in the workplaces and know where precisely the workplace outsides ought to be found and where should you place the electronic devices, you would probably stir the greatest benefits. From this time forward, Vastu for office is significant.


Posted On - August 28, 2019 | Posted By - Vijayasan913 | Read By -


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