Aquarius Horoscope 2020- A Lucky Year For The Water Bearers?

Aquarius 2020 horoscope

Aquarius is the eleventh astrological sign born between Jan 20- Feb 18. This air sign’s governing planet is Uranus and Saturn, related to hopes and dreams. Talking about the year 2020 it’s going to be a year of risk-taking and adventures. So, the New Year will be slightly lopsided, creating a mixture of both challenges and happiness. However, the predictions say that working hard towards the end goal will yield the desired result. According to the best astrologers of India, 2020 will be fortunate for Aquarians. The financial investment will be highly profitable for this zodiac sign.

In the first 6 months of the year, they will work with utmost sincerity keeping aside all loss and mishappenings. But in the last 6 months, you can see them work on new projects and through that profits will be enormous. Let’s have an overview of the Aquarius 2020 horoscope.

Love Horoscope

According to the love horoscope of Aquarius 2020, it will be a very lucky year. Love will favor the Aquarians in the new year. Though the planetary position of Mercury will create a rift between couples. Arguments should be avoided at all costs with your partner. Also, strong long term relationships will be strengthened. Whereas the single will find suitable matches for them. Also, a harmonious and loving bond will flourish between married couples.

Aquarius 2020 horoscope

People planning to start a family, it’s an ideal year for you guys. By the middle of the year, Aquarians can tie knots with their beloved. However, Saturn will retrograde in the second month of May causing some disputes between couples. But the presence of Saturn in your sign will normalize things in the end. The return of Jupiter in November will make things better for the best. All in all its a perfect for them in matters of love and relationships.

Career Horoscope

Career of Aquarius

Career-wise it’s going to be a pretty good year for the Aquarius sun signs. The workplace environment will be favorable. Undertaking new projects will be beneficial for this sign. People planning for a job change, your hunt for the right job will be blessed in 2020. New opportunities will knock doors at Aquarians. A business partnership will yield good proceeds, so it should be put into action.

Saturn will retrograde on 11th May, will forge a few obstacles. But in September new plans will lead to success in career. Innovative ideas being executed will be advantageous for them. In the latter part of the year, the position of Ketu will bring good luck and advancement at the workplace. Aquarians no major hurdle is seen for you, it’s going to be the luckiest year where career is concerned.

Health Horoscope

If the advice of the doctor is not taken seriously, then health may deteriorate for the Aquarius sign. Ailments like headache, throat infection, can be foreseen. A lot of medicinal expenses will be due to ignorance of health issues.

Stressing over some matters will cause an adverse effect on health. Taking up yoga and meditation will reduce stress and bodily issues. Negative thoughts should be avoided at all costs for a sane mind and health. Following the prescribed instruction will not motivate any serious illness. Actively taking part in a sport will be good for physical well being.

Finance Horoscope

Aquarius 2020 horoscope

Financially it will be a year of increase in expenses, but nothing to worry because of the presence of Venus in the 12th house. It will create an equilibrium between expense and income. The retrograde of Saturn in May will lead to some financial arrears. But things will fall into place in June, and monetary gains will escalate during this time.

Consequently, outgoing wealth should be monitored from time to time. Astrologically the year will be stable financially. On the academic front, students will face some shortcomings. Furthermore, Reading and writing will help to a great extent for students who are at a higher level of education.

The suitable colors for the sign in the year 2020 are blue and green. The ideal matches are Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius. Drink ample water and think positive all year round Aquarians. You can also get a personalized reading from our expert astrologers. We wish you a happy new year 2020.

Also, you may like to read: Capricorn Horoscope 2020- Will Luck Favor The Mountain Goat


Posted On - December 30, 2019 | Posted By - Sneha Sinha | Read By -


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