Capricorn Horoscope 2020- Will Luck Favor The Mountain Goat

capricorn zodiac sign

Capricorn season is officially here, this sign is the 10th zodiac in Astrology that dates from Dec 21-Jan 19. The mountain goat is an earth sign like Virgo and Taurus. Whereas the year 2020 for the Capricorns will be extraordinary, unlike the previous year. According to planetary positions, the coming year will be lucky in the first half and not so lucky in the latter part of 2020. Saturn will enter on 24th January indicating the need for hard work to get results. On 30th March Jupiter retrograde will enter, though not so favorable the presence of Saturn will keep things balanced. However, Venus will influence from May till June giving the desired output. An ideal year to expand the business and to invest in the stock market for them. Let’s have an overview of Capricorn horoscope 2020 in love career finance and health.

Love Horoscope

In terms of love, Capricorns are going to be very lucky, Venus transitting in the 7th house will create an advantageous environment for singles. People who are planning to have a love marriage, this year is a positive one. Love marriage with the approval of family can be seen in 2020. The period between March- June they will witness the ignition of lost love interest. Also, singles waiting to propose their suitor can take the lead and expect an affirmative response.

Capricorn horoscope 2020

Couples might face some ups and downs but it won’t lead to serious repercussions. Negative thoughts need to stay away for happiness to flourish. Rest assured it’s going to be an exciting year for the people smitten by the love bug. Newly married couples can expect the birth of a child in 2020. Some high voltage office romance can occur for Capricorns. However, a disturbing marriage life between the month of May and September is foreseen.

Career Horoscope

According to Capricorn’s career horoscope 2020, it will be prosperous. One can avail new opportunities born under this sign. Businesses will benefit, especially, people in the field of fashion, makeup and clothing. Also setting a business in a foreign land is seen. In the corporate sector, promotion is foreseen also authoritative powers will be vested in office. On the other hand for some, a job change is predicted. Moreover, students pursuing a degree can go abroad for further study. Educationally speaking this year is going to be fruitful.

Health Horoscope

Capricorn horoscope 2020

The position of Rahu in the 6th house will prevent all unwanted health ailments. The beginning of the year can bring some health issues but proper care will not let it last long. April demands extra attention to the health of your spouse. The August month requires consideration of fathers’ health. All in all, it will be a year of fine health for the mountain goat.

Finance Horoscope

Financially the year 2020 will be not profitable for Capricorns. The placement of Saturn in the second house and its slow movement will lead to unnecessary expenditure. A rise in expenses will have an adverse effect on income. Family and health will lead to an increase in expenditure. After 29th September, investing money in the stock market will yield profit. Though the combination of Saturn and Jupiter will be a state of stable financial conditions.

The ideal match for the year is Taurus and Cancer. The relationship with any of the two zodiacs will be rich. The lucky colors will be dark brown, yellow and black. July and August will be the luckiest month for this zodiac. So, according to the astrology the Capricorn horoscope, 2020 predicts a year of some upheavals but nothing major is forecasted. Lastly, have a Happy New Year 2020 Capricorns.

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Posted On - December 28, 2019 | Posted By - Sneha Sinha | Read By -


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