Kaal Sarp Dosha! So, In literal meaning, Kaal refers to ‘time’, Sarp is ‘snake’ and Dosha means ‘fault’ or ‘disease’. This could be a catastrophic astrological prevalence that could affect its natives with numerous misfortunes. And, Since Rahu and Ketu indicates previous life Karmas. It happens thanks to plenty of unhealthy bad Karmas done by the involved persons in their past lives.
In a Kundli/Birth chart when all the planets are jammed between Rahu and Ketu, making half the birth chart with literally no planet. it’s deemed to be Kaal Sarpa. If planets are moving towards Rahu, it’s called Kaal Sarpa Dosha and if they’re going the other direction i.e., Ketu, it’s termed as Kaal Sarpa Yoga.
While accessing a horoscope it is important to consider the degrees of the planet to know if one has that Kaal Sarpa in his Kundali. In order to discover that, you can use our free Kundali Feature.
Kala Sarpa dosh could affect the native’s health, happiness and take away one’s peace of mind for forty years and in some cases, even longer or throughout lifetime depending on the planet’s position in one’s horoscope. This is the reason most people are frightened of Kala Sarpa Dosha.
But fret not, there are some unimaginable ways to cure the ill effects of Kaal Sarpa Dosha. Although they’re a little tougher than these vrats, austerities or rituals, the advantages are long-lasting, well-tried and extremely comforting.
Additional Information: Kaal Sarpa Dosha is more effective during the period of Rahu and Ketu’s Mahadasha and Antardasha.
Misfortunes and obstructions in the progress are the outcomes of Kaal Sarpa dosh. There are 12 types of Kaalsarpa doshas naming Anant, Kulik, Vasuki, Shankhapal, Padma, Mahapadma, Takshak, Karnataka, Shankhanaad, Patak, Vishakata and Sheshanag. These doshas are named after the name of the snakes.
Right from the ascendant, wherever Rahu and Ketu are located will affect the role of two opposite houses. Following are some auspicious and inauspicious results that the native might face with Kaal Sarp Dosh.
The remedies include a group of observances and rituals mentioned below.
In Devanagari script:
ॐ त्र्यं॑बकं यजामहे सु॒गन्धिं॑ पुष्टि॒वर्ध॑नम् ।
उ॒र्वा॒रु॒कमि॑व॒ बन्ध॑नान् मृ॒त्योर् मुक्षीय॒ माऽमृता॑त् ।
In transliteration:
Oṃ tryaṃbakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭivardhanam
urvārukamiva bandhanān mṛtyor mukṣīya mā’mṛtāt
Meaning of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra:
We bow down to the three-eyed god, Lord Shiva who nourishes all that is born like a fragrance. May we be liberated from all the bondages as the matured cucumber is severed from the creeper.
If the remedies are followed well, they can bring extremely positive benefits and help in deflecting the effects of Kala Sarpa Dosha.
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