Artificial Intelligence To Detect Climate Change?

Artificial Intelligence To Detect Climate Change?

Recent reports suggest that Artificial Intelligence will now be able to predict the level of climate changes. Past years have witnessed that climate changes have resulted in an increase in Earth’s temperature. Several businesses are now developing technologies with the help of artificial intelligence to determine the climate changes.

Artificial Intelligence, known as the simulation of human brain with the help of machines and processors.  This new technology has been revolutionizing lives with the help of computers.

With the help of latest technologies, artificial intelligence enables a human to rightly copy their behaviors on the systems. The procedure takes place in the form of learning, reasoning and self-correction.

AI is making explicit discoveries in scientific and the medical field. It is gigantically making its impact on our lives. We have all heard of Apple SIRI, and know its worth.

Team of scientific experts discovered this powerful intelligence tools which will effectively function on all Apple devices like iPhone, Home Pod, Car Play, iPad, Apple Watch and various others. This new technological innovation enabled them to easily access their smartphones within a click or via asking SIRI.

Artificial Intelligence Impact-

With years of researching and experimenting, artificial intelligence has stepped into the shoes of the new age technological innovations. Experts concluded in their studies that AI is the next future tool. Top technological firms and startups are coming up with new artificial intelligence technological ideas lately.

Artificial Intelligence Impact-

Top companies are investing in this new-age technology for the expansion of their businesses. The latest one to join the list is Swiggy, who’s aim is to look beyond the human intervention. To expand the growth of human interactions, the company is outlining various techniques to develop a strong data repository.

From developing SIRI to developing tools which can easily outcast possibilities of war, complex diseases, to the discovery of driverless cars. Companies have been adopting AI techniques, to enrich their businesses.

Companies Investing In Artificial Intelligence Technologies-

According to the astrology predictions, the climate will take a rise of 0.2° Celsius in the next two decades. From the past few years, many global companies are developing technologies to monitor the climate to make the world a better place to live.

Well-known brands like Unilever, Nestle and Patagonia are taking environmental issues seriously. They have been effectively planning out strategies for reducing the plastic waste to reducing the effect of greenhouse gases. These companies are setting a positive example in society.

Enhanced Electricity Systems-

High tech companies are investing in the latest artificial intelligence technologies for building better electricity systems. Better electricity systems will pay more ways for effective electricity production to integrate renewable energy systems.

Low Carbon Emitting Materials-

AI technologies will develop low carbon materials to reduce their levels. Lately, the companies are investing tons in their R&D department to develop low carbon-emitting materials low carbon bricks, green tiles, recycled metals and much more. Bring AI into effect will enrich their research and development processes.

Predicting Extreme Weather Uncertainties-

AI’s technological tools will be able to predict extreme weather temperatures with the help of machine learning. Machine learning techniques will enable the clouds to become more reflective. It will determine a reformed transportation process.

Vehicle pollution has been the most prominent cause of climate changes. The new AI techniques will enrich the vehicle fuel efficiency by emitting low CO2 gases.

Ability to reduce Deforestation-

We all know agricultural plantations are the leading causes behind deforestation. By emerging satellite images and AI technologies, companies and climate experts will be able to monitor agriculture and deforestation levels.

In India, farmers with the help of artificial intelligence, are able to generate 30% more groundnut yields per hectare. The procedure takes place by the help of information they are provided with about the land, choosing sowing dates and applying fertilizer.

With the help of it, companies will be able to monitor the link between deforestation and the factors driving it. According to astrological predictions, with AI coming into effect, there will be a 10% predicted loss in deforestation.

Develop Better Climate Models-

With the help of AI, businesses have been able to determine better climate models. The purpose of governing such models is to rule out the possibilities of extreme weather possibilities like hurricanes, palaeoclimatology, climate down scaling, social-economic impacts and etc.

Several well-known companies like Microsoft, Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA), ConscientAI Labs and others are predicting several technologies. They are effectively communicating with media and the public about how climate change will impact our lives.

Developing better climate models will help in taking certain precautions to rule out the possibility of those events.

Artificial intelligence will be a game-changer for all the startups and companies.

You would also like to read about Special Purpose Chips Built To Link Your Brain and Smartphone.


Posted On - July 19, 2019 | Posted By - Mehak | Read By -


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