How to wear Yellow Sapphire Ring?

Yellow Sapphire Ring

Yellow Sapphire is mainly in the argument that right after putting it, this would give the person something gigantic. People say it may instantly make you wealthy or poor. There is a lot of speculation about sapphires. The reality, however, is that nothing like this. The horoscope itself decides every gemstone. However, when you wear Yellow Sapphire Ring, the method and after doing decide whether you will receive positive or negative effects of the stone.

Yellow Sapphire, also called Pukhraj Ratna in Hindi is highly auspicious among the other gemstones. This gemstone stimulates the positive energy of planet Jupiter. It is the planet of wisdom, fortune, good learning, teaching. A person with a strong Jupiter in Kundali could do wonders in their life. Whereas, a person with weak Jupiter would suffer from a lack of learning, goodness, and good health. As a remedy to Jupiter, the best astrologers of India suggest wearing Yellow Saffire or Pukhraj. However, you must keep in mind How to wear Yellow Sapphire Ring for good results.

Read here Benefits of Wearing Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj

Best metal to wear Yellow sapphire?

The best metals for wearing a Yellow Sapphires are silver, platinum, gold, or Panchadhatu. When you are choosing a metal, you should consult an astrologer and the ring should be designed in such a way that a part of the sapphire should come into contact with the wearer’s skin to transmit its energy to the body of its wearer. When the gemstone has direct contact with the skin of the wearer, it brings the most benefits and effects in their life.

How to wear Yellow Sapphire Ring?

After bathing in the Shukla Paksha on Thursday, the yellow topaz should be worn with a ring of gold in the index finger of the right hand. It is necessary to keep the ring in such a way that the lower end of the gems should remain open and touch your finger. Weight of at least four carats or four Rattis or more should be used to make a ring.

Please remember that on Thursday or in Guru Nakshatra, usually between sunrise and eleven o’clock, a Pukhraj ring should be made.

First of all, bathe the gemstone with Ganga Jal, then with raw milk, and again with Ganga Jal. Further, chant the Guru Mantra – Bri Brihaspataye Namah.

People who are not comfortable wearing a ring should wear a Guru Yantra in a gold locket.

5 Things To Keep In Mind When You Wear Yellow Sapphire Ring

Offer the gemstone 108 times with Shammi wood and chant the mantra “Om Streem Brahm Brihaspatayee Nama”. This will stimulate the gemstone and provide positive energy.

Do not give false assurance to anyone after wearing Yellow Sapphire Ring. It can bring drastic consequences in your life.

On Thursday, don’t consume either liquor or meat. It averts the positive energy around you.

Be respectful of elderly people at home. If you don’t respect them, you would never get positive results of Pukhraj. Also, be responsive to people with disabilities.

On Thursday of the Shukla Paksha every month, offer the gemstone water mixed with milk, ghee, Ganga Jal, sesame, and sugar.

Also, you may like reading Ruby Gemstone- Astrological Benefits and Correct Way of Wearing

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Posted On - October 30, 2020 | Posted By - Deepa | Read By -


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