Mercury Transit In Aquarius- Jan 2020| Effects On Each Zodiac

Mercury transit in aquarius

Mercury is a planet of sense and communication. It affects the formulation of ideas, mental sharpness, skill set, grasping abilities and our day to day communication. Mercury is transiting in Aquarius Zodiac on 31st January and will remain in the same zodiac till 7th April 2020.

Let’s explore in this article, the impact of Mercury Transit in Aquarius on different zodiacs.


Mercury will transit in the 11th House of Aries. It is the house of Gains and Profits. Natives will get benefits in terms of their salary or business profits. Natives will on the right track in their love and relationship matters. Feel free to share all your feelings and sentiments with your partner. You will not get sudden results. Try to put up your best and touch the height of success.


Mercury will transit in the 10th House of Taurus. This house represents your financial and social status. Natives will be benefited from the exponential growth in monetary terms and their assets. During these days, you will be more creative and imaginative. Performance in the job will also increase, which in turn results in getting appreciation from senior authorities.


Mercury will transit in the 9th House of Gemini. This house represents higher learning and spiritual inclination. This time, luck is in favour of Geminis. Natives might get opportunities to be on international trips. Your teasing habits may influence anybody. Try to find a mentor, it will surely help you in focusing on your goals.


Mercury will transit in the 8th House of Cancer. It is the house of sudden events and life-span. As soon as Mercury will transit in Capricorn, Vipreet Raj Yoga for Cancerians will be formed. This yoga will bring a short span of bad luck for you. During this phase, you should stay away from investment in the stock market or any type of financial matter. You may plan for an international trip.


Mercury will transit in the 7th House of Leo. This house is just the opposite of Ascendant. The seventh house represents your partner and marriage. Your love and marriage life will be on track.


Mercury will transit in the 6th House of Virgo. This house represents both physical and mental strength. 6th House also reflects your ability to overcome hurdles in your life and your opponents. In this period you should stay away from any conflicts with your opponents. Any auspicious or you can say significant tasks should be postponed.


Mercury will transit in the 5th House of Libra. This House represents your ability to innovate, romance, pleasure, and children. Your intellectual ability will be high during this phase. Natives may implement a startup idea. Being very crystal clear in love related matters will be good for you. There are chances of shifting to foreign land for educational purposes.


Mercury will transit in the 4th House of Scorpio. This house in astrology represents affairs, residence, family relations, etc. You will be full of anger and depression. However, controlling your anger will help you to focus in the right direction with an appropriate strategy. Natives will make expenses in luxuries. The investment made during this period will be beneficial on long terms.


Mercury will transit in the 3rd House of Sagittarius. This house in astrology reflects your passion, interests, creative abilities and your relations with siblings. It is the best time to stand out from the crowd and prove your self in front of all. After a very long hurdle facing period, now you are on a success track. Utilize all your skills and make your future bright. You will spend a very happy time with your family members.


Mercury will transit in the 2nd House of Capricorn. This house indicates your Wealth and relations. Your management abilities will result in boosting up your wealth. Don’t be under much pressure. Try to spend time with loved ones. Patience is much important. The situation is leading you towards goals, you are willing to achieve for a long time.


Mercury will transit in the 1st House or Ascendant of Aquarius. You will start monitoring your job work very deeply. Natives will face health-related issues. Chances of getting benefits from a foreign-based entity will increase. Extra burden, which might be useless may increase. However, don’t feel stressed and take care of health.


Mercury will transit in the 12th House of Pisces. This house represents sleeplessness, enemies and inferiority complexes. This is the best time to incline yourself towards spirituality. Natives engaged in business, have great chances to tie-up with foreign firms. You will be very loyal and gentle to your life partner. You should focus on communication with your loved ones.

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Posted On - January 29, 2020 | Posted By - Navneet Suryavanshi | Read By -


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