Most Funny Zodiac Signs Of All Time

Funny Zodiac signs

Truly said, “Laughing is the best medicine” which has the power to cure all your sorrows and give you a sigh of relief for some time. The person who makes you laugh or smile can be termed as funny. We all have that one friend in a group who makes everyone laugh and is a natural comedian. These fun-loving, gregarious folks love to be the center of a good conversation, making everyone around them smile. 

Like any other personality trait, a person’s ability to be funny or humorous is somewhere connected to their Zodiac signs. No doubt, every Zodiac sign is witty and funny but their way of expressing is different. For example, some prefer to stay back and hang out in their own tone rather than dishing themselves out, some prefer to crack their jokes quietly in the corner, it all depends on the nature of the person.

In today’s article, we are going to talk about the funniest of all time. I bet spend time with them and will die laughing plus they have a great sense of humor also.


Born between 23 September – 23 October, these people are often called social butterflies. They love entertaining others and that is the reason they are the most charming people in the group. For making you laugh, they can go to any limit even if it comes to embarrassing someone in a sarcastic way. Libra will certainly go to extreme lengths to get a laugh. 

Libras are quite outspoken people, they will tell you everything at your face even if they are making a joke on themselves. These people want a happy balanced environment around them, for this, they will do anything without thinking of others. Make friends with the super friendly and funny Libra and I bet you will enjoy the best time of your life. They are funny but their I.Q level and sense of humor are damn high. This is the reason Libra tops the list of being the funniest Zodiac sign.


Born between October 23- November 21, these people are very sarcastic. They are funny but their way of entertaining people is quite strange which sometimes becomes difficult for others to understand. Looking at their personality traits, Scorpio is secretive who likes to keep things hidden, so whenever they crack a joke, there is always some logic behind it. Most funny people who can make you laugh even in a serious situation but you need to understand properly what they are saying.

These people are a bit harsh who can easily insult others just to make you laugh and satisfy themselves. However, according to them the things they say are only meant for entertainment purposes and not to hurt others. Give them time to finally “get” your humor, and once they do, they will be rolling on the floor laughing.

Leo, scorpio, sagittarius, libra


Born between November 22- December 21, humor is the only thing that makes them keep going. These people are love to tell you funny yet fake stories to laugh you out. There may not be a sense in their stories but to entertain you, they will include any super character in it. They are so energetic that they will even make you dance on an old boring song and make you die of laughing. Most independent people always want everybody to be happy and enjoy every minute of life with a big smile on the face.

These people are very clever who can create humor in every situation even when it’s impossible for someone to think that deep. Sagittarius loves to experience new things and learn about new concepts and then make their own fantastic stories out of it. They don’t take the things too seriously and their life runs on only one rule “Go With The Flow”


Born between July 23 – August 23, the KING of jungle Leo wants to be the center of attraction and being funny helps him to do that. These people are born comedians who cannot stop laughing even in worse situations and this is their best yet the strong quality that makes them stand out of the crowd. They just want to stay in the limelight and for this, they will do anything even if its making jokes on their own self.

People born the Zodiac sign of Leo can tell you a funny story in a serious way and serious story in a funnier way and will often use adjectives to make you laugh out of nowhere. Sometimes it goes over well but sometimes it can feel a little overplayed and a little too much showboating. Making friends with a Leo is a good choice but you have to be mentally strong to handle their humor and indirect sarcastic jokes.

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Posted On - March 18, 2020 | Posted By - Shahid | Read By -


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