Sun Transit In Cancer On July 16, Effect On Your Zodiac Sign

Sun transit in cancer 2021

The mightiness of the planet Sun will smear the sensitive Cancer as the former is all set to transit in the latter on 16 July 2021. With the Sun transit in Cancer in July, one is to experience the energy of transformation and bliss. 

The Sun is one of the most influential planets in astrology. Its positiveness can bless anyone with an abundance of health, wealth, luck, love and more. Though known for its dominance, supremacy and sheer power but as the Sun transits in Cancer, it is to camp amidst the chillness of the water sign. So in the time to come, many of you can expect for yourself a sense of feminism, sensitivity and an urge for self-care

The Sun will transit in Cancer on 16th July 2021 to remain there till 17th August 2021. Thereafter, it will move to Leo. With that being said, let’s look at what this transit of the Sun in Cancer will bring for each sign.

Note: The prediction is based on the Moon Sign of the person.  


The planet Sun will transit through the fourth house of the Aries native. The fourth house in astrology represents home and family. The Sun transit in Cancer for the Aries may leave them lacking family support. If you are a student or a working professional wanting to do something new in life, you may not get the support of your family. Arguments could be a possibility, but this is not any major issue. Your mother could hamper the mood of the house and, thus, you need to safeguard your children from such an environment. 

On the bright side, prospects of acquiring parental property are high during this period. The ones either preparing for a goverenemnt job or simply working in a government firm will have luck by their side. It is highly advised that you take better care of your and your mother’s health. Also, try to take any decision using practicality and not your emotional state of mind during this period. 

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The Sun will transit through the third house of the Taurus natives. The third house in astrology is about communication and local community. The Sun transit in Caner 2021 is a very favourable period for any Taurus out there. It is that time of the year when you can start a business, travel amidst the mountains, start a new relationship as whatever you do, you are likely to accomplish it and enjoy it to the fullest. In the professional space, you will be able to accomplish even the toughest project, thus, it is time to test your calibre. 

If you wish to make a career in sports, you will have the energy and stubbornness to perform your best. If you have been planning to start a new job or studies, try to look through the options during the Sun transit period. Moreover, many of you might also have to relocate due to transfer. You will also be motivated towards charity during the transit. Take special care of the health of your family members.  

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The Sun will transit through the second house for the Gemini natives. The second house in astrology is about family, speech and accumulated finances. The transit period will bless the Gemini native with monetary gains. However, your physical energy might take a beating. You will feel drained and lazy about the tasks at hand. However, if you get up early in the morning and adopt a workout schedule, you will regain the lost energy. 

As far as family is concerned, ego clashes between you and your spouse are inevitable. Either they or you might be rude to each other, which will further worsen the situation. All this can lead to an emotional imbalance in the relationship. The best you can to make things better is go out on a date to talk and sort things out. Moreover, if you are preparing for a goverenemnt job, you especially need ot focus more on the same. The Sun transit in Cancer is a great time to adopt a pet or go out on a spiritual vacation. 

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For the Caner natives, Sun will transit through the first house, which is the house of self. The Cancer natives will find themselves impatient during the transit period. Students and working professionals will realise the slow pace of their life and will push aggressively to achieve their educational and finance-related goals. You will also have multiple thoughts about your future due to the lackness of people to guide you properly about the same. One who occupies a high post can see gains coming their way during Sun transit in Cancer

Interestingly, though you won’t find yourself the audience to cheer and support any of your decision but if you still make any important decision, you are likely to benefit from it. Love life will also bloom both for married and unmarried couples. Singles too will find love if they try to look beyond a set circle. AstroTalk’s astrologers advise that you take special care of your eyesight during the transit period.

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The Sun will move through the house of loss and expenditure for the Leo natives during Sun transit in Cancer. If you are someone who owns a business, you must be careful about the deals you make during the transit. However, any business that indulges in overseas matters will experience gains. MNC working individuals too will see their good time begin. You will have tons of projects and chances of promotion. However, your enemies will also be playing a role BTS, and can bring you stress and anxiety. 

As you experience the transit for yourself, you will find yourself more emotional than ever. You will be inclined to reconnect with an old love of yours. You will also find yourself indulging in religious activities. Moreover, for the Leo native, the possibilities of long-distance travel with your spouse or partner are brewing. Any such plan with your long time partner will strengthen your bond with them. Also, your expenditure might be slightly up, but it shouldn’t be a matter of concern. 

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The planet Sun will transit through the eleventh house for the Virgo natives. The 11th house is the house of gains in astrology. The transit will be a successful one for most of the business persons out there. Your business will grow as you will come in contact with authoritative people. However, it is advised that you don’t connect more with politicians for assistance in personal affairs.

On the downside, the multiplicity of thoughts during this period will leave you fickle-minded. You will not be able to form conclusions easily. In such cases, it’s better to take opinions from the immediate family. The transit is very favourable for the government employees in terms of rise in the professional status. If you are planning to get married, you must plan it outside your home town. Also, take special care of your health, especially around the stomach areas. Consider restrain in eating habits, and all shall be well for you.

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The Sun will occupy the tenth house of the Libra native during the Sun transit in Cancer. The tenth house in astrology represents profession and karma. As far as profession is concerned, the natives will find themselves good opportunities. Transit would be a good time for job and role change. Also, any of the business of Libra native will flourish more than ever before. You will also benefit from the new ways of doing business. Those looking for a job in the government sector will find some luck. Chances of receiving parental property are also high.

While all the gains would add to your materialistic comforts, however, your mental fitness is to remain off the sheets. To better align the chakras, it is recommended that you take a week off and head towards a spiritual trip during the transit. Doing charity will make you feel better about yourself. The transit is also the time when you will feel empowered to adopt a new hobby. This will contribute to your mental well being.

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The Sun will claim the ninth house of the Scorpio native during the transit period. The ninth house is astrology is the house of religion and denotes Dharma. The transit time for any Scorpio is favourable in terms of relationship. You will be able to accomplish your commitments easily and would be more sensual than ever before. You will also be motivated to take a trip with your spouse to some calm place. If you have a tough time with your parents, this will be the time to improve them.

Naturally, the transit will increase your tuning with religious practices. You can consider taking a spiritual trip to have the best time of your life. Also, if you are in the teaching profession, this is a time to look for new opportunities in the profession. Your intellect capabilities will broaden and you will be able to make better decisions. Talking about decisions, AstroTalk’s astrologers suggest that you think practically about any given situation and not emotionally dring Sun transit in Cancer 2021.

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The Sun will camp in the eighth house of the Sagittarius during the transit of the Sun in Cancer. The eighth sign represents enigma and inconsistency. The time is not the best of your life and as you will have to take extra efforts to accomplish anything and everything. Whether it’s your studies or profession, you will have to face all sort of obstacles. However, if you are someone indulged in any kind of research work, your concentration and success around it will improve.

Moreover, as you proceed in life, you may find yourself prone to some major health issues and your further carelessness about them will escalate them. You may also find yourself in a stressful situation due to your relationship. The period will be very fruitful for anyone who is planning to move away from their native place for education or work.

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The planet Sun for the Capricorn natives will be in the seventh house of the zodiac sign. The seventh house in astrology is the house of partnership and marriage. The upcoming transit period will be not the best for your relationship as there will be so many disturbances to plague it. Thus your married life might take a beating in the course of time. To shield it better, try not to fuel arguments but deal with your partner with patience. However, if you are in a kind of association with someone in your office space, that relationship, for sure, is to flourish into something special.

Professionally, if you are into mining or any other energy-related business, you are to find new profit-making opportunities for yourself. If you have been in a relationship for a while now and want to take things forward, the Sun transit in the Cancer period is a favourable time to reveal your relationship to your parents. Moreover, if you have a property deal pending, it is more likely to get sorted in the transit period. Make sure don’t take loans until so badly required.

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The planet Sun will transit through the sixth house for the Aquarius natives. The sixth house in astrology is the house of fights, diseases and competition. The period of transit is not the best in terms of the relationship that your share with your spouse. You both may find yourself emotionally detached, which will affect your children. Ego clashes are certain, thus, you need to tread with caution. Professionally, if you are working in partnership, you need to be extra careful about the legal issues. 

The natives who are in litigation will have a favourable period. You will be able to use your intellect for the best and win over your enemies. You can be a part of the toughest role during this period as you will have the luck to find success in it. If you have been unemployed for a while now, Sun Transit in Cancer will be the lucky time for you. Travel related possibilities are also present. Moreover, one who wishes to tie the knot is suggested to think twice. 

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The Sun and its mightiness will camp the fifth house for the Pisces native during the Sun Transit in Cancer. As a result, the Pisces who are to take part in any competitive exams will have an edge of luck – only if they work hard – over other students. Also, students will have the command over subjects and will be able to understand the concepts better for themselves. One planning to apply for an overseas job or university admission will also benefit during this period, especially if you are a medical student.

As far as business is concerned, you may face financial troubles. However, you shouldn’t bang your head around them as they would be temporary. The period for you is best to strengthen the bond that you share with your family. Try finding extra time for them. Go on a short trip to some calm place. The unmarried couple, who wish to tie the knot in the future, must spend more time together as transit time will strengthen your bond further. Great time to buy a car too.

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Posted On - June 24, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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