There are a few things that attract us to a particular kind of person. We tend to manifest people with the same traits in our life. This is because our thoughts work in a particular direction with constant energy. There will always be the type of person we hate. No matter what happens, we just fail to get along with them. They kind of frustrates us and we opt to stay away from them. Likely, there are a few types of women that men run from. Astrology plays an important role in determining it.
Here is a list of women that men are usually not comfortable with.
This type of woman is a complainer. She wants you to change your behaviour according to her standards. Man hates woman annoying him with constant nagging. It gets frustrating and he will probably start looking for an escape from the company of that woman. People having a habit of nagging are generally anxious and bit scared of things. But not every time can a man understand the positive thing about your nagging.
People generally get jealous when they are in a relationship. But that doesn’t mean one has to get down to the level of insecurity where she loses all her confidence. Man hares insecure woman. It is normal to handle insecurity when it is not constant. But once a woman inculcates insecurity in her normal behaviour, it can really push a man away.
Being impatient is not attractive. It makes people go away from you because no one wants to have this sort of negativity in their life. Being constantly impatient will make people stop connections with you. An impatient woman will not help a man in growing. He will feel stuck. And eventually, he will get sick of this feeling.
This one is obvious. No man would like to be invested in someone who is looking just for money. It might not be a considerable factor for short term relationships. But when a man finds himself falling for a girl, he definitely wants her to stick to him for reasons other than money. Being a gold digger is very distrustful traits of a woman’s personality. It can be someone’s need but money can never be the only thing out of a relationship. A man will feel worthless and not attractive if he stays around a gold digger. He will end up losing his confidence.
The type of language a person uses tells a lot. It is the inner reflection. Everyone wants to be around someone who has good vibes. A person that makes others happy. Having a bad mouth is a dark spot of personality. Man bearly like a woman who doesn’t know how to construct her words respectfully. A woman using unrespectful conversational skills might not feel what she is doing wrong but it definitely is not pleasant for anyone to hear.
The yeller one! A man can get really annoyed by a woman screaming at him all the time. This shows the level of compatibility they both share. He will start getting irritated every time a woman says something. Being a screamer doesn’t make a woman more dominant. In fact, it will make a woman intolerant and her partner will start giving up on her and their relationship with each other. Screaming makes other people feel that he is at fault every time and no one wishes to be treated like this. He will want to stay alone rather than being in a company of a screamer!
ASTROLOGICAL VIEW: Women with weak Venus face problems in their love life. Love life in the horoscope is governed by the positioning of Venus. Having weak positioned Venus generally makes you less compatible with people around. Also, the moon can also affect your horoscope drastically when it comes to attracting people. If you are looking for long-term relationships then these two astrological elements play an important role.
These were some facts about Types Of Women That Men Run From.
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