21 Best Vastu Plants That You Can Consider Decorating Your Home Sweet Home With

Best vastu plants for home

Is there anything like Vastu Plants for home you might ask? Well, the answer would be a big yes.

Other than just adding to the aesthetics of your home sweet home, some well-placed greeny has the ability to spew your home with an abundance of luck, cheer and positivity.

People, honestly, since forever have known how spending time gardening or just the presence of plants around oneself can reduce tension and help relieve stress. However, not many are aware that certain plants are highly compatible with the Vastu plan too and thus can smear their lives with additional benefits.

So with that being said, we have scoped out a list of 21 plants and trees that, as per Vastu Shastra, you can consider planting or keeping at home. And also at last as a small bonus, we have listed down some plants that you must avoid keeping at your home.  

1. Aloe Vera

Vastu Shastra for Aloe Vera

From wound healing, nourishing your skin to lowering blood sugar, the Aloe Vera plant can do anything and everything you expect your partner to do. But the benefits of the Aloe Vera plant don’t stop there.

As per our Vastu Shastra experts, the Aloe Vera plant can also enhance the positive vibes in your home if the plant is placed in the right direction, which is the north or east side of the house. 

2. Banana Tree

Vastu Shastra for Banana Tree

Banana trees are a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Their leaves, besides being associated with Thursday and Lord Vishnu, are also used at various auspicious functions.

However, when it comes to Vastu, it is suggested that the banana tree is planted and grown in the northeast direction only. Doing the same allows mental peace. 

3. Neem

Vastu Shastra for Neem Tree

When writing a blog on the best plants for home as per Vastu shastra the neem tree is something that can not be ignored. Also called the Indian lilac, the Neem tree is known for its medicinal value.

To enjoy the best of Neem tree positive effects, plant it in your bedroom in the northwest direction. Honestly, it would be all the room freshener you would need. 

4. Marigold

Vastu Shastra for Marigold

If you have vacant space in the southwest direction of your home, the best Vastu shastra tips would be to fill it up with the Marigold plant.

The warm tone of the Marigold plant, when smeared with sunlight, brings vibrancy and energy. It detoxes the environment and adds positivity to your space. 

5. Mango Tree

Vastu Shastra for Mango Tree

Until a tree as big as a mango tree is not blocking the entrance of the home, it can bring all the positive energy to your home. However, it is suggested that you don’t plant a fruit-bearing Mango tree in the house.

Consider planting the Mango tree in the west, south, and south-west corner of the garden to enjoy the best results.

6. Lemon

Vastu Shastra for Lemon Tree

Many people wonder if is it good to grow a lemon plant at home? Well, the answer is yes it is good to grow a lemon tree at home as per Vastu Shastra, however, under certain conditions.

When growing a lemon plant/tree at home, make sure it is not planted in the east or north direction. A lemon plant must always be planted in the south or west direction of the garden. 

7. Tulsi

Vastu Shastra benefits of Tulsi

Yes, you guessed it right. Tulsi, without a doubt, is the best Vastu plant for home. Besides its medical properties, Tulsi supports psychological well-being and counters metabolic stress through the normalization of blood glucose and blood pressure levels.

When it comes to the best position to plant the holy Tulsi plant, it is suggested that you plant it in the north, north-east or east direction. It is highly important that you don’t plant the Tulsi plant in the south direction.  

8. Bamboo

Vastu benefits of Bamboo Plant

Bamboo plant comes in all shapes and sizes and can literally be grown without you having to pamper it much. The plant brings good fortune and protects the inmates with evil wanderings.

You might have also seen people tying a red ribbon around the bamboo plant. Happens, Bamboo represents wood and the red ribbon tied around the same denotes fire. They together represent the perfect balance.

While you can plant bamboo in any direction of the house, however, if you especially want to benefit the health aspects, plant bamboo in the east. 

9. Snake Plant

Vastu Shastra for Snake Plant

One of the most widely used lucky plants for home is the Snake plant. The plant is known for absorbing toxins like formaldehyde besides absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide.

Keep the plant in the south or east direction of the bedroom. It will help you reduce stress and promote a positive ambience.  

10. Jack Fruit Tree

Vastu Shastra for Jackfruit Tree

Jack fruit is another tree that our Vastu consultant will advise you to grow in your garden if you wish to counter Vastu dosh. While the jack fruit is used to make different types of sweets, its leaves, on the other hand, are used in religious ceremonies.

However, do not grow the tree in the north direction of the house. Plant it in the south, south-west, or northwest direction for good health and positivity. 

11. Money Plant

Vastu Shastra for Money Plant

Money plant undoubtedly makes it to the list of recommended houseplant if planning things as per vasthu plan.

This plant when placed in the southeast direction of the hall or living room brings the best result. In Vastu, Southeast direction owner is Lord Ganesha and thus placing the plant there can help you with wealth and prosperity.

12. Chrysanthemum

Vastu Shastra for Chrysanthemum

The presence of Chrysanthemum in a household can promote a feeling of calm and positivity. It is a widely known fact that Buddhists decorate their vicinity with these flowers.

When it comes to Vastu placement, keep the Chrysanthemum plant only in the living room and never in the bedroom for it could result in negativity.

13. Orchid

Vastu Shastra for Orchid

Orchid is a flowering plant considered as one of the most effective Vastu plants. The plant denotes perfection and it is considered a fortunate deed to receive or gift orchids at marriages and baby showers.

Placing the plant in the south-west direction of the room is recommended as it promotes perfection and growth.

14. Lotus

Vastu Shastra for Lotus Plant

Although not a popular house plant, yet when placed in the house, Lotus can bring positivity, good luck and peace. If you seek spiritual enlightenment help your house with a lotus plant.

Vastu Shastra recommends that for best results, you must keep the Lotus plant at the entrance of your door.

15. Rubber Plant

Vastu Shastra for Rubber Plant

The luscious green leaves of the rubber plant must be nurtured inside the house in a pot to let it impress you with its benefits. The plant is said to be related to commercial success and wealth.

Vastu Shashtra tips suggest that you must keep the rubber plant in the south-east direction of your living room as the placement attracts money and commercial success.

16. Jade Plant

Vastu Shastra for Jade Plant

The small round leaves of the jade plants may seem artificial but their effects on one’s life are very real. The plant is said to encourage scholarly pursuits in a person. So if you have been having a tough time with books, you must get your hands dirty to garden this plant.

Jade, as our expert astrologers suggest, can be planted in multiple directions including in southeast locations; in west locations specifically for creativity and in northwest locations for the luck of mentors, teachers.

17. Peace Lily

Vastu Shastra for Peace Lily

Another great plant with Vastu benefits is Peace Lily. The peace in Peace Lily, as the name suggests, brings peace, keeps away the negative energy, and attracts good vibes.

The perfect place for the plant is somewhere you practice mediation or spend most of your time. Also, you can place the plant in your bedroom by the window too as it brings good luck.

18. Lavender

Vastu Shastra for Lavender

Lavender has a beautiful flowering herb and is used for both decorative and medicinal purposes. Its amazing fragrance relaxes the mind.

Lavender, if you have not guessed it yet, promotes love and uplift one’s mood. However, it does need sunlight to do the tiring job thus it is recommended you keep it in the bedroom by the window.

19. Plum Blossoms

Shastra for Plum Blossoms

If you seek harmony to never leave your side, invest in the beautiful plant that Plum Blossom is.

The plant allows the best results when placed on the northeastern side of the house. However, just in case you have that area occupied, Vastu plan says that planting Plum Blossoms in the garden is beneficial too.

20. Daffodils

Vastu Shastra for Daffodils

While the charming plant deserves some space in the garden, you can also grow it indoors. Trust us when we say that having Daffodils at home helps an individual mature his/her inner talent.

The cosmic tip to follow when planting Daffodils is to plant them in the north or in a north-eastern direction for maximum benefits.

21. Peony

Vastu Shastra for Peony

Peony is a flowering plant and it is said to signify optimism at its very best. When cared for, it adds to the beauty of the gardens. On the cosmic front, the Peony plant helps in enhancing relationships.

As far as placement is concerned, Peony must be kept in the south-west corner of your home. Also, gifting peonies to your romantic partner is the best thing you can do as it is said to be auspicious.

Plants that are not good for home Vastu?

While the aforementioned plants can bring an abundance of good luck and positivity into your life but then there are also plants that can bring disharmony. Here are plants that are not good for your home as per the Vastu.

  • While bonsai plants are beautiful to behold, they are not favourable to keep at home as they denote slow growth.
  • Cotton and silky cotton are plants that you must not grow or keep in the house as per Vastu.
  • It is believed that evil spirits dwell in mehendi or myrtle plants so they too are a big no no!!
  • Dead and dying plants should obviously not be kept in the house. 
  • Apart from Tulsi, no other plant should be planted in the north-east ‘corners’ of the home. 
  • A plant with thorns, like cactus, is a plant that is not good for home. 

What plant do you decorate your house with? Do let’s know in the comment section below.


Posted On - February 22, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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