June Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Turns up the Heat to the Max. Eclipse season begins on Friday, June 5, 2020 (12:12 PM Pacific) with a full moon/lunar eclipse at 15°34’ Sagittarius.
This eclipse initiates a month-long process of releasing old energy and emotions and making way for new inspiration! Ruled by expansive Jupiter, the Sag full moon highlights our need for freedom and space to broaden our own horizons and grow to our fullest potential. But with Jupiter currently retrograde and conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, forces beyond our control are restricting our range of movement.
Fortunately, Sag’s trademark optimism can help us find freedom within these imposed limitations. Jupiter’s blessings may seem scarce… if we’re looking for them “out there.” But there’s an abundance to be found “in here,” if we’re willing to seek them out.
This eclipse brings exciting opportunities for learning and growth. But to receive its knowledge and wisdom, we’ll have to keep our minds wide open. After all, as the sun in Gemini reminds us: No matter how much we think we know, there’s always something new to learn. And with Venus retrograde in Gemini, we’re discovering that many of our old beliefs, interests, and values no longer hold the same meaning. The full moon’s opposition to Venus asks, what inspires us now?
That’s the “fun” part of this eclipse—more challenging is a mutable T-square, with both the moon and sun squaring Mars in Pisces. This “pressure cooker” of an aspect can really turn up the heat on ideological differences and disputes. And with Mars conjunct Neptune, conflicts have an almost surreal quality to them—not only do we disagree, we feel like we’re living in totally different realities!
Our best bet to defuse the tensions is leaning into the analytical, problem-solving energy of Virgo (the only mutable sign not caught up in all that T-square drama). We can tune in to the subtle nuances of the situation, rather than sweeping generalizations—and practice what we preach instead of acting self-righteous.
Still, there is a time and place for righteous anger. And with this eclipse trine Black Moon Lilith in Aries, it might be now! In our society and within our own psyches, repressed and marginalized voices are rising up and demanding to be heard. We may be afraid of what they have to say, but ignoring or denying them won’t make it any less true. Welcoming their wild wisdom could be our saving grace.
True, with a square between Mercury in Cancer and Chiron in Aries, buttons are being pushed and sensitivities triggered. But while our first impulse may be to react defensively, that only shuts down the potential for emotional healing. We should be gentle with each other, while also keeping communication channels open. After all, with Mercury also sextile Uranus in Taurus, we never know what unexpected insights might result!
As a student of life, Sag, relationships are your greatest teachers. But at this eclipse, the lessons are just as likely to come from past relationships as current ones. Reflecting on these people and experiences brings major realizations about who you were then… and who you are now.
Someone’s got to be a realist, Capricorn, so it might as well be you. Still, as you avoid giving people false hope, it’s easy to go to the opposite extreme. This eclipse brings your inner optimist out of the shadows, just when it’s needed most.
Dust off that vision board, Aquarius! It’s time to check the status of a long-term plan, goal, or creative project. Your ideas may seem less achievable—at least with the resources currently available to you. But don’t give up; Ask for what you need to see them through.
Your upbringing sets you on a particular path. But now, Pisces, it’s time to answer a higher calling! This eclipse reveals new insights about your life purpose, and challenges you to release whatever’s held you back from pursuing it wholeheartedly until now.
Life’s a journey, Aries, not a destination. So if you’ve stayed in the same place for too long (either physically or mentally), this eclipse hits you with a serious case of wanderlust! Still, right now inner explorations maybe even more exciting than outer ones.
The elephant in the room: If anyone’s going to bring it up right now, Taurus, it’s probably you. You’re not afraid to say what everyone’s thinking… even if it’s unlikely to win you any friends. Just try to keep the drama to a minimum (especially online!).
It’s like falling in love all over again, Gemini: Recently, you’ve been rediscovering what makes you, you. But what you value most in yourself and what others see in you can be wildly different things. If they can’t handle the real you, maybe that’s their problem.
Your work means the world to you, Cancer—still, sometimes you yearn for something more. And at this eclipse, you feel that stirring in your soul. Responsibilities alone aren’t enough to give meaning to life, so make sure you’re also cultivating a rich inner landscape.
To think own self be true, Leo! At this eclipse, there’s no holding back that larger-than-life personality of yours. Still, you’ve got to adapt your distinctive style to ever-evolving norms and trends. It’s not about selling out your values, just finding new ways of embodying them.
Back to your roots, Virgo! This eclipse reconnects you with the recollections, traditions, and family ties that nourish your soul and convey intending to your life. however you will be shocked to comprehend however way you’ve strayed from your sense of home—so take now to nurture yourself.
“Free your mind and also the rest can follow.” Libra, this 90s throwback jam would build a superb eclipse theme song for you! You’re clearing out mental muddle, rethinking previous assumptions, and changing into a lot of selective regarding that ideas and knowledge receive your valuable energy and a spotlight.
You want it unhealthy, Scorpio… and somebody desires to allow it to you! the sole factor standing between you and no matter “it” is, is that the crazy notion that it’ll solely have worth if you cotton on for yourself. This eclipse invitation you to rethink receptiveness.
These were some major details about JUNE FULL MOON.
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