What 2020 holds for you next: The unforgettable year

What 2020 holds for you next The unforgettable year

2020 is full of unexpected events for each one of us. We all have faced a lot in this year than usual. According to the astrologers, this year will end with the ‘Great Conjunction’ of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21, Monday. As we all know, 2020 is the beginning of a new decade. But more of that, it is going to be very crucial in shaping the next upcoming years for us all. Any decision, big or small, will keep giving its impact till long. We should be beware of what 2020 holds for us. So here’s a horoscope for the end of 2020 for all zodiacs.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

This year, unexpectedly, will prove really good for you. As per your warrior sign, you will end up making more money and will be most likely to come in a new beautiful relationship in 2020. But, this year, which is full of unexpected events, you will have to be forward in everything and fight against it. Though, you will be safe and the most beneficial by the end of the year.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

This year is going to be bad for you. Despite all the problems going around you, you are unlikely to get peace from your family members. There will be issues going around in your family which can make you depressed. Also, most likely, if you are trying to move on from a past relationship and after almost doing it, the person will haunt you again. This is going to make you feel weak, but try being strong and don’t let the person come again and ruin you. Don’t make silly decisions this year!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

You are already really frightened of the events going on in this haunting year. Making numerable new friends on social media will not going to change your fear for 2020. Instead of diverting your mind by making new friends, try to give in your time in learning new courses that can make quick money. This will completely divert your mind, make you feel optimistic, and also will prove beneficial for your future. This year is really bad, but you need to calm down. Try medications and control your fears.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

You really need to chase your dreams this year. For especially you, it’s now or never. Follow your real passion, in this year, will bring out great success for you. However, they will be literally gone from your hands if you don’t plan for it. In spite of all the difficulties, you will get through it. You will be completely safe in this year. Just avoid doing stuff you are up to, and completely give in time for your future. This year can be a life-changer for you. Cancerians, it’s now or never!

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leos will be needing an enormous amount of strength throughout this year. You are most likely to be a victim of 2020, and all difficulties can hit you badly. Therefore, gathering your strength is really important for you. You can be really sick this year, and lose up your weight, but don’t leave your hope at all as you will definitely come out of all this. Small decisions of yours can bring good results in the future. Try to analyze your surroundings and take a good and positive step ahead. Leos, you are lions, you will get over it!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

This year, for you, can prove a little difficult. Speaking of the things that will hit you the most in 2020, are your relationships with your closed ones, which can suffer the most. You can find your relationships drifting apart because of small misunderstandings. You might lose someone you love this year. Also, you can feel a little bit distracted this year from your aim. Try to focus on your goals despite everything, you surely can’t risk that. Keep your ego aside while being with someone, else they may be gone forever from your life.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

People expect the most from Libras. This year is almost a test for you from all your loved ones. You are going to come under pressure, given by your own friends and family. You may have to make great decisions on them which are basically a test from them to you. Despite that, you are all excited to learn new things this year, and that will prove really beneficial to you in the future. Try doing all the new and creative things you are planning to do. They are going to make you shine brighter!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

2020 is the year of financial crisis for you. You shall be facing issues in helping financing your family in this year. Your work can go down because of the events going on this year which can make you suffer badly. Also, you will get to know about the ones who actually care for you or not. Many will show you their back when you will be needing them the most. This is definitely going to hurt you, but the good thing is that you will get to know about their actual faces. Try to spend less, and save more this year!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This year is going to prove good for you. 2020 seeks to attract many great opportunities for you. Especially, if you planning to do a start-up, analyze it properly, and go for it. Good decisions for you can bring great success to your doorsteps. You may face quite difficulties in deciding upon your future. Every option can seem dead end for you, but don’t get depressed due to it. Grasp all knowledge about all the options you have, and go for the one which looks perfect to you. Deciding is going to be really tough, but the end is going to be great!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

This year will be a bit difficult but the best for you. New job opportunities will come running to you. None will be stable though, but it will help in sharpening yourself more. You may face issues in your love life, which can make you feel broken, though things will get sorted in some time and will become better than before. Just grab some strength to face some hardships, and know that results will be the best for you. You may make some silly decisions, but they won’t impact you for longer.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You are one of the most helping ones. You are always one step ahead for the ones you care about. But this unforgettable year can be a lot stressful for you, despite your caring nature. Mental stress can be a great problem for you in 2020. You will be trying and planning to build your future this year, but everything might seem wrong to you and you may end up feeling depressed. You may need a break to be strong and optimistic. Try to talk to your lovely partner, share them with everything. They can be a ray of hope for you!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The year 2020 will be a bit busy for you. In the first half-year, you will get disturbed because of your family issues. You might feel everything slipping out of your hands and you can come under a lot of depression too. But after passing through it, you will get busy planning on your betterment. You are going to forget every hardship you faced and will start giving time on yourself. This year is very crucial for your future. Get over every emotion and build time for yourself!

Also, you may like reading about Most Intelligent and Dumb Zodiac Sign of 2020


Posted On - July 25, 2020 | Posted By - Ananya Srivastava | Read By -


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