Pisces Yesterday Horoscope
(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Personal: There isn't a single relationship or marriage out there that is one hundred percent, completely perfect. Ups and downs are normal in relationships, just be open and communicate about issues clearly.
Travel: It's always good to be safe, so scan your documents before traveling and email them to yourself. While traveling, you will meet someone very intelligent.
Money: With Jupiter, the planet that governs good fortune, sending you good energy, today is a great day to invest in the stock market or to buy real estate.
Career: You will be able to solve problems quicker and better than before! Your career is thriving! A promotion is coming very soon. Unemployed Pisces signs will get a call for an interview today.
Health: If you are working out today, make sure that you stretch and warm up your body before working out. Sugary drinks aren't a good choice for proper hydration.
Emotions: You need to sort out some emotional things from the past. If someone in your family is sick, do your best to be there for them.