4 Celeb Brides & The Hidden Message On Their Wedding Dress

Patralekhaa wedding dress secret message

*Alert* this post can really inspire you to get married right now; to simply have the pleasure of trying these bridal trends, but that would be arranged marriage, of course, because being an introvert doesn’t get you a bf/gf.  

So, having poked your miseries, this post is about finding the latest trend in the fashion industry, and no we aren’t talking about the pictures from the Maldives for once. Our inspiration comes from the bridal attires of celebs that are as interesting as their life (for the most part).

Happens, most of the celebrity brides have these hidden messages in their wedding dress (courtesy of the designers), which seems to us one wonderful thing to try. These hidden messages usally represent the heritage of the place where the attire was made or simply pays tribute to emotions. And here are four of them decoded for you:

1. Patralekhaa Paul’s dupatta hidden message

Image: Sabyasachi Official/Instagram

The trending couple right now is none other than Rajkumar Roa and Patralekhaa Paul. They got married recently after sharing a relationship for 11 years. Designed by Sabyasachi, Paul’s dupatta had a Bengali verse embroidered on its border.

আমার পরান ভরা ভালোবাসা আমি তোমায় সমর্পণ করিলাম।, which translates to: “I surrender my full love to you”

2. Deepika Padukone’s wedding dress had a hidden message too 

Also designed by Sabyasachi, the border of the attire that Deepika Padukone wore at her wedding was embroidered with the words, “Sada Saubhagyavati Bhava”.

The verse, when translated to English, means, “May you forever be married and steer away from the curse of widowhood”.

3. Priyanka Chopra’s wedding gown hidden messages

Not one but there were as many as eight hidden messages on the gown that Priyanka Chopra wore at her wedding with Nick Jonas. 

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Priyanka’s wedding gown had these words and phrases embroidered on it: Nicholas Jerry Jonas (her husband’s full name) followed by, 1st December 2018 (the wedding date), Madhu & Ashok (her parent’s name) and Om Namah Shivay, Family, Hope, Compassion, and Love.

4. Meghan Markle wedding gown message 

Image: Glamour/Getty

At her wedding, the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle expressed her wish to have the distinctive flora of each of 53 Commonwealth countries on her 16.5-foot veil combined in one floral. Of course, Royal’s demand was fulfilled by her designer Waight Keller.

All we can say is – “oh my god turu lob”

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Posted On - November 25, 2021 | Posted By - Kushagra Gupta | Read By -


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